10:09 AM

Tsk Tsk

SO yesterday I went to see my Friend K. She is this white chick I use to work with. Now the white chicks flocked to be my friend at my last job b/c most of them dated black men. My sister happens to be married to a white man and My niece (cutest child ever) is mixed. This I assume put a huge "She's an Ok black girl" tag on me. I have never been the hater type. I dont get upset when I see black men with white women. Do you. So anyway, she was cool ao we kept in touch when we both left the job. Now K has potiental to do better, but HER man Is TRIffling. Have some self respect and stand up for yourself. When we were working together she was taking care of her man. He had no job and didnt seem to be looking. This alone made me think she was a fool, but she had redeeming qualites. So I went to see her and she was all scraped up like she fell. First she tells me they were arguing and she slipped (lie of course). Later she tells me what really happen. Old dude has lost his mind b/c he finally got a job. He got mad at her b/c she spent $40 dollars of his money. (he gives his checks to her) So he left and didnt come back in HER car until the next day. So when he does come back of course she wanna argue and ask questions. So he pushed her ass down. Now you know by my last post what I would have done. Anyway this was not the first time he has done this. He leaves all night without calling. Now what you think he doing. The situation would have went a little different if it was me. He would have came home. I would have invited him in. Took my fucking keys and told him to go check by the dumpster b/c that is where I left his shit. And if there is a problem then HPD (houston police department) will be on speed dial. I dont have time for the Oh imma do betta routine. So I pretty much tell her she is a fool and she need to kick his ass to the curb. Mostly b/c she use to support his ass. She dont buy shit. I mean she spent the money on gas. cigs. and food. WTF. He needs all on those things as well. Of course I got the usual quietness after I spit my opinion. Everyone that knows me knows I do not hold my tounge when It comes to my friends when they need a reality check. I told her long ago to leave this dude. He is not the one. But no. This is what erks me about the whole mixed realtionships. Now i'm not saying all black women, but most would not put up with that shit. Again I am not saying all but most men that date white women do so b/c they know we not gonna but up with BS such as this. And it really fucking bothers me to here white women say. "yall mad b/c we took yo man" Hold da fuck up. Have u ever considered we aint wont his ass. So you taking another triffling brother away is not really a loss. I really dont mind the whole thing. I love my niece to death, but I think its a respect thing on both sides of the fence. White and Black women can not respect the fact that someone found love with the opposite race. I guess the white women pissed b/c there white men have been forcing themselves on us since we got here and black women are pissed for the same reason. Why be with a white man after all our history. Whateva. Do you and be happy. Its amazing how many stares my sister's family get when they go out. Its like ppl should really be over this shit already its pretty common now. Ppl roll their eyes, say rude things, whisper shit. Its sad. Grow up ppl. Thats all folks. Oh the little person with my shades on at the top is my niece. The look better on me lol ~smooches~


theurbanista said...

girl i'm about to start huntin' for a white man real soon cause these brothers are not working out. i like your blog. i'll be back.