9:08 AM


I have been thinking about a few things, like how i censor my blog b/c of who may read it. Then I discovered I dont give a flying fuck who sees my blog or who doesnt like it. I am me and I should be able to say whateva the hell I want. So let me just say what has been annoying me with everyone lately. I hate when ppl call you when they are on the way somewhere to ask you if you want to go. I use to do this to ppl and I never knew how annoying it was until it happen to me. I hate people that are sensative about what you say to them, but they can say or do anything to you and expect for everything to be ok. WTF? If you can dish it you sure as hell can take it. I hate not wanting to do something, but feeling obligated or I hate not wanting to do something that you know you should b/c that person has done so much for you. It makes me feel so bad. I hate when you finally come to a realization that all ur friends will not be your friends forever. I hate knowing that I am growing apart from ppl that have been my friends for soooooooo long. I hate loving someone who doesnt love you back. I hate having sex and not getting anything from it. I mean damn what a waste of fucking time. I hate repeating myself. I hate my annoying ass boss's GF who is always and forever at our fucking place of work annoying the shit outta me. I hate being bored. I hate being in Houston (its so freaking boring). I hate couples b.c i'm single right now. I hate skinny bitches who dont think I can get there aman. But for some reason they dont seem to see him checking me out on the low. I hate ppl who try to use you (for the record I am not that fool). I hate ppl who lie for no reason. Hmmm. I see somewhere this turned into the I hate blog. Ok so. I love my family. I love oreos lol. I love learing new things. I love having a good time. I love meeting new ppl. I love spoken word poetry. I love ME. OMG I forgot to tell that I saw that Super Size movie. It freaked me out so I decided to stop eating fast food. I lost 4 freaking pounds. THat is soooooooo cool b/c I wasnt even trying. I recommend everyone try it. Not for the losing wait factor, but b.c you feel so much better. I'm a sexy bitch regardless tho lol. Ok thats enough for now. I have really been ranting. OH by the way the face pic above is old and when I had my eyebrow peirced ~Smooches~


She W0rd Hustlez said...

This amused me. I noted EVERYTHING in my own personal stash of notes on you. I think this will work well for me in the near future, lol. Loves vs. hates. These types of blogs works wonders and tells SOOOOOOO much information.