7:01 AM


Random Thoughts

1. Why is Ignorance bliss?

2.Why is it I wish to be stupid sometimes so stupid people won't annoy me?

3. How do Idiots get top positions in companies. I mean If I can tell you are an idiot someone else has to.

4. Why is it when my Old Best Friend from high school added me on my space and I saw pics of our old click (it was 3 of us) and a new chick they hang out with it kinda made me feel sad? I mean its silly b/c we haven't been close for years. Its just so odd to see a different face with those two b/c it use to be me that completed the 3 some (He He).

5. Why do people think that everyone came be persuaded by flattery? I know I'm cute that bullshit don't work on me.

6. Why do I plot revenge errday in my head?

7. Why do people not keep in touch?

8. Why is it that I am trading my happiness for money. I mean I know I gotta eat but this is ridiculous?

9. Why do people assume I believe the BS they spit at me. I can smell shit from a mile away, please find another sucker?

10. Why only now is Bush taking responsibility for Katrina?

11. Why are people offended by the truth?

12. Why do people have unprotected sex? WTF this needs no commentary.

13. Why do I feel like I have no one to really talk to although I have several close friends?

14.Why do I care about other people's feelings instead of worrying about my own?

15. What makes some people think I give a Fuck?

16. Why did this chick in Houston get car jacked and thrown out of the car on the busiest street in Houston and no one STOPPED. Why?

17. Why is it every time I have to speak to my boss I throw up a little?

18. Why are people so FAKE?

19. If every dog has his day, when will I have mine?

20. Why can't I stop asking myself questions?


7:40 AM

Katrina Memorial

Since it is the 1 year mark of this National disaster I gotta talk about it since it effect my city the most with out ever hitting here. First let me ask the Lawd for forgiveness and ask him to send his blessings to all the TRULY HARDWORKING people that loss their entire lives that they worked so hard for. Also my heart goes out to ANYONE who lose someone in the tragedy. Yes, our government failed there own and it is truly sad and should have never happened.

As you all know and I'm sure saw at least one show about the aftermath and how things are shaping up in the NO. Well of course shit is still the same and Bush is still doing his thing in Iraq and saying Fuck Yall, I'm trying to get this OIL Money. on the radio today they were trying to get people to call in positive things that this distress has brought about a year later. Sadly all the people that called were mostly Houstonians b/c we gotta get up and go to work in the morning unlike other who sit on there ass all day. The consensus is Houston has truly been FUCK UP due to these people. I'm not saying all, b/c I have met and read about several who took this as a blessing to do something better or who actually trying to work and get their life back to whatever normalcy you can have after such a tragedy. It seems most of them don't want to do shit. How is it there you have been here for a year and you still have no job and living of of your FEMA shit and you it about to run out. Why is it that FEMA is so behind on paying the apartments in Houston that they cannot afford to make repairs. Word of mouth from one manger that FEMA just paid for July's rent. They also don't pay late fees. That means really nice apartments that let these people in b/c our government said "Oh we got them let the m in" are now struggling to keep tenants let alone the grounds up. So now I must suffer b/c you living for free and not trying to change it. Why is it that I am FOREVER hearing one of them same WE HATE HOUSTON WE WANT TO GO HOME. I Say KICK ROCKS HOE. If all you can do is complain and bitch about how bad you have it here go back to them broke down ass projects you came from. I just know if it was me and I can from living with nothing and they gave me a new start, I would be GRINDING and trying to get my life on track. Instead, I come home from working hard to see their ass sitting outside of the apartments steps talking shit and drinking. It angers me b/c I work hard and they don't do shit and get paid for it. I remember when this first happen people were giving them jobs over Houstonians b.c they wanted to help. I'm also pissed b/c SOME of them seem to think we are obligated to feel sorry for them and help them. Its like when you tell them they can't do or have something they wanna through KAtrina up in your face. My city took you in and did you right. We volunteered and gave up rooms our houses and now you wanna shit on us. Well fuck you too. I have no sympathy left in me for all the TRIFLING evac we have. Again I am not saying all but the a Freaking lot are taking advantage. They are getting use to using the system just like they did in the N.O. Fema has extended there 1 year rent free living until October. Every Time the deadline hit they get more time. They should really put stipulations on paying your rent. Like having a job would be a requirement for extended assistance. It is unbelievable how they are wasting money instead of actually helping people they are enabling them be to TRIFLING just like there were in the N.O. Then I heard on the news 1 out of 4 N.O students didn't pass. WTF yall teaching those kids down there. They are behind Houston and causing teachers to have to re-teach and slow lessons down to keep up. This whole thing is a mess. They need to get someone in charge of this that actually knows what they are doing b/c this shit is not workin. Just wait until all the FEMA aid stops and all they people get evicted. Then what. Where will they go and what will they do to survive. I mean since they came from the #1 murder capital what you think they gone do. Pray that's all I can do. ~Smooches~

9:47 AM

What is the WORLD coming To?

SOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Lets skip all the Where u been? Whats been going on BS? Life is the answer. I've been keeping a list of shit I wanted to come and blog about so here we go

1. How da fuck u gonna eliminate Pluto. I mean seriously who are we (one planetin the system that has life, that we know of ) gonna say Pluto aint making the cut no more. further more do you know ow many kids failed science exams b/c the forgot about all that info we were forced to learn in school. now allt hat info is useless. I just a cannot believe they gonna kick a planet out of the solar system. I bet bush had something to do with it. He always trying to bully somebody.

2. The New episode of Survivor has split the teams up by races this time. so all the whites together and the black ova dere and the Mexicans ova there. WTF now they knew this was going to cause some shit. You know what they doing don't you. Trying to prove once and for all the White race can truly survive without minority assistance. I am so interested to see which team excels in the challenges. I have also read some ignorant ass comments about the Black ppl team is going to lose b/c black people cant swim. Do people actually believe this BULLSHIT. FOOL WE CAN SWIM, it is very possible for all regular humans to learn how to swim. What on God's green earth would make people think it is genetically impossible. That is the stupidest shit I ever heard in my life. You know it was the white man that started that shit. They didn't want they money (Slaves) to make a swim for it back to the mother land. Bastids!

3. While on the way to work, I heard on the radio that Dallas, TX is thinking of banning saggy pants and having a fine if you actually walk around like that. My thoughts. HELL FUCK YES. That shit looks so tacky. I do not want to see your draws. You also cannot walk, and God forbid you try to run, you as good as got. It looks so tacky to me. I see dudes with belts holding there pants below their ass. Really what's the point of the belt. Buy pants that fit and get a freakin life. Some idiot called in and said well if we gotta pull out pants up then they should also ban cleavage. SMH I'm not even gonna respond to that shit.

4. I recently read the morning after pill is going to be available over the counter for women over 18. WHY? I believe in abortion under certain circumstances like (retardation in the fetus, rape, incest, serious risk to the mothers health). If you are just some hood rat hoe who can't keep her legs closed this medications should not be available to you. Allowing this drug the be so easily accessed will only cause a rise in STDs. I mean think of the statistics now on STD in this country. The only reason its probably not higher is b/c people are afraid of getting pregnant. Now the solution to there problems is here. Not to mention the age requirement means nothing. Now teenagers can go have sex and get an older friend to buy it and their parents will be none the wiser. Are we actually helping my making this drug so ready available to the public without doctors supervision. I hope they put a limit on the number you can buy or something b/c there is no doubt in my mind this drug will be abused.

5. Heard another topic on the radio about Hip Hop and how people think it a bad influence on kids and such. One of the djs brought up a great point. There has always been music that parents disapproved of in every era of time. Why is it that hip hop saga has gone on for so long. I mean people eventually accepted Rock music and left it alone and now it is mostly accepted. But hip hop is still getting a bad wrap. The dj said he believes its b/c it Black people that are benefiting and making the most money from it and as the song goes THEM HOES DON"T LIKE THAT. A women called in and said a lot of people that wrap are African Americans who have been in jail at some point or felonies (which may or may not be true), but she is saying that rapping or singing is something they can do that does not require a background check. B/C hip hop embraces you if you truly have talent(shit even if you don't u could get one song out of it) no matter what is in your past people don't like that. I thought it was an interesting way to think about the whole hip hop is so bad Drama.

6. This pregnant Bitch in my office who I have spoken about before is digging herself into a lawsuit. I think I've written before about her using derogatory words like TACO - for Mexicans andusing the word NIGGA in general when speaking. Now she is rather ghetto and all but the bitch aint black. She is Mexican. If you coose to talk down on your own race thats your business, but dont bring mine into it. I mean I use NiGGA but I never use it at the work place and I sure as hell wouldn't expect someone I don't know or I work with to talk to me and use this word. Well one of my bosses over heard her telling me a story and she kept saying Nigga (she says it alot like she the most ghettoest person ever in life). My boss told her that wasn't appropriate and that I may feel uncomfortable with her saying that. I said I know thats the way she talks but I do find it offensive and unprofessional and if the wrong person heard her our office could be sued. I did tell her this before about using Taco, I guess she assumed Nigga was ok, but its not. So she apologizes to me and said she didn't know it offended me. Later that day she was back at it again. I know she says it at home all the time, but she should be able to keep that shit to herself when she isn't. I really think I should report it to the EEOC but I am the only black person in a 5 person office so they will know it was from me. I'm not trying to start shit,but I shouldn't have to hear this where I work from someone I don't even know like that. I guess I'm up in the air on it and need a second opinion. My sister says get a lawyer lol. She always down for controversy lol.

Well in general life is going great. Gotta new place and it feels nice, yet a bit lonely to live alone again. I'm enjoying it now but its only a matter of time before I hate it lol. I'm going to ATL for labor day weekend. So, if anyone out there wants to show me around HOLLA AT ME. I'm so excited. I need a break real bad. That's All I got. Smooches

1:31 PM

Everyday I'm Hustlin

Guess whos Bizack!!! I'm not really in a writing mood right now. I just thought I should make it know I'm still alive and doing aight. Life gets you caught up sometimes as you all know andI guess it has me caught up. Ya girl is HUSTLING. I have so much shit I need to do in the next 2 months but I'm trying to make it happen. Life is good,though. I really can't complain although that seems like that is all I do. I want life to be easy and I can't get my mind to realize that will never happen. The easy way out is not an option anymore I have to do this and I guess thats a little scarey. Now I know what they meant by you are going to wish for your childhood days again b/c now I wish I could go back to that easy life. Yall keep me in ya prayers for strength. I love the pic above. I was feeling quite nice in it lol. The upside is I've been having a good time with old friends and its nice. I'll write more later... if life doesn't side track me yet again.