2:39 PM

Once Upon A Time

So, my friend Bobby started a blog and I've been wanting to for a while. I keep a personal journal so its not that different. Anyway, I liked his so I decided to start my own. Mine is the Chronicle of The Sexy Fat Chick for self explanatory reasons. Unfortunately for most of you this blog may be a tad bit boring. I have went from wild party girl to boring working 9-5 girl, but I am trying to break free. My life is usually pretty interesting. SO just to let you know a little about me. I'm a bit of an Amazon lol. 5*11 full figured bomb shell is more like it. No i'm not conceded, I'm just confident. I am so happy today b/c I got my replacement phone. I dropped the old one in a pool while at the the bar which was also in the pool. I was a little tipsy I suppose. I'm kinda excited b/c i have a date of Friday, but the guy is already annoying me. I annoy pretty easily, but he is doing it on purpose. I'm also kinda bitchy b/c my fuck buddy is being stingy with the goodies. He is always so freaking busy and our schedules dont work well together, so i'm like whats the point. Work is boring as hell as usual, b/c I dont do shit. Which I guess is a upside, but I Hate being non-productive (if thats a word). I'm sure I would be a lot happier if I was in school learning something new, but unfortunately i'm not. I'm excited for my sissy, but I cant tell you why just yet lol. Well, thats all for now. Think I may drop some new Poerty I just wrote. I love spoken word, so if you do to feel free to hit me up. Until then ~Smooches~


She W0rd Hustlez said...

Well this is my first comment. I'm trapped in your time zone right now and I am excited to be here. Reading this blog right here tells me that since Aug. 2005 a lot of changes have taken place in your life and even though you say I'll be bored; I have to agree with you, because I can't be bored with someone I'm interested in. The word intrested having deeper meaning that most define it as.