1:23 PM

Random Thoughts

A messenger just came into my office and told me

" You should smile like that all the time. You have a smile that will light up a room"

That turned this shitty day upside down. I love when ppl do random acts of kindness sometimes ppl really need it. So I don't have much to say. Posted some pics of my new hair cut. I loooovvvvvvvveeeeeee it.

For some reason I couldn't let Sasha go that easily. I had to know if I was right and if The LAWD was speaking to me and saved me from a heap of trouble. So, I called her,anonymous of course. Her phone went str8 to voicemail. Sasha's phone never goes str8 to voicemail. So I called again and it did the same thing. That can only mean one thing. She is in jail. Sasha's phone is never off b/c thats her money. Thank the lawd for instincts and following them. I know for sure I would have been in jail right now. I on the other hand will never know if she planned to do me dirty. Maybe laterin life we will me again. If she got caught htat night she is going in for a while. Its really sad b/c she only started b/c her stupid boyfriend told her to hold down the fort while he sent to jail and like a dumb ass she did. I never got that part. She had a regular job and she didn't need to, but she did it for him. I hope I never have a love like that.

On another note WTF is going on with gas prices. I mean dang. I HATE BUSH. I cannot wait till election comes around. I'm so happy he can't run again. I mean who voted for this man. Now he says our troops will be there until his term is up and the next Presidnet will have to clean up his mess. SMH PPl PLEASE VOTE if only so gas can go back to normal. That's all for now HOLLA ~Smooches~


Sangindiva said...

Love the hair cut AND the smile!!!
my first time droppin' by
just wanted to HOLLA!!

LUVIN ME said...
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princessdominique said...

The haircut is cute!

mrs.tj said...

Hey! Just stopping by. I've read a lot of your old posts and at first I thought the posts about Sasha were a "story", but I see they are true. All of that could be written into a VERY GOOD book!

Chronicles Of The Sexy Fat Chick said...

I've been thinking about doing that. I have so much more stuff that I haven't written about. Perhaps I'll write the first chapter and see what ppl think.

Paula D. said...

The hair looks great! Work it!