9:55 AM


Ok, so I wasn't going to write about this at first, but the person took it too far. So I've been talking to this person. The convo was ok, but I knew there was something strange. I always give ppl the benefit of the doubt b4 forming a opinion. SO as we gradely talk this person began to tell me they love me. I know I dont. I do not take those words litely. Then I notice they call me alot. I mean like 10 times a day or more. Maybe I was giving off the wrong impression. At least that is what my friend said. I on the other hand thought I was making myself very clear about taking it slow and not rushing. WEll yesterday this person called me like all day. I would tell them "oh, I'm being rude to my friends I will call u back later which I was. Like 30 min later they would call me back even tho I said I was busy. SO then I stop answering. I cant take someone somthering me. I need my space and I dont like talking on the phone all damn day. This person called me about 15 times in a 4 hour span. Not only that they called me from unknown and had a friend I dont really know call me as well. With them on three way, but they thought I was BRAND NEW and did not know. This was also after I called back after the first 8 missed calls and said stop calling me so much. I am busy and I will call u back. I mean I dont understand. If you know someone is busy and not answering WHY would you keep calling me. THis leads me to believe everyone on the internet is KooKoo for COCO Puffs. THe biggest thing is I have nerver met this person. WE are in that talking stage. Me deciding if they are worth meeting and not crazy. Well I guess I know the truth now. I mean the person seemed like someone I could at least be friends with. Now its a different story. ****I also have noticed that ppl need to stop getting high/drunk b/c they tend to tell others buisiness. These newbies can not handle it man. I am so calm and cool when I am intoxicated. Others run off at the mouth and start telling me shit I didint know. Of course (winks) I will never admit I know or bring it up, but its weird the things ppl dont wont u to know. LOL but they felt confortable telling the person that just told their dirt. O well I guess we all trust in certain ppl for differnt reasons. I can only think of one secret I told. I use to regret it, but now i'm happy I did for many reason. I think it was for the best and it will help more than it will hurt in the long run. *****So my "I Survived Rita" party is yet to take form b/c all but 2 of my friends left( ha ha losers). That's all folks ~smooches~


theurbanista said...

girl i am glad you survived rita!!! yeah stalkers are a bitch but at least you know in advance that that bitch is crazy sooo you won't fuck with him anymore because if you find out later its too late.

theurbanista said...

oh yeah i changed my blogspot address its www.therealesthoneycombhideout.blogspot.com

Anonymous said...

First of all I am glad you survived Rita.

I know what you are talking about the stalker crap. I had a couple of them. I am not a phone person either. So when people keep calling and I dont feel like talking I block their number until I feel like talking.

She W0rd Hustlez said...

LMAO!!! I can't stand stalkers. Luckily I haven't had many, but that calling back to back shit is so played and something soooo annoying. I'm glad this person showed that they were coo coo in the beginning. So you didn't waste too much time. Hm, I'm scared to call you more. I don't want you to think I'm stalking you, loll.