11:50 AM

Imma Survivor (Ha Ha RIta U Missed)

I made it lol. Well Rita took a turn and pretty much missed us. We got a little rain and some crazy wind but we aight. Our power is not off either odviously, so we came out very blessed. The new problem with our area is getting ppl back in. I mean everything is closed and there is no gas. Houston is almost like a ghost town. Their advising us not to leave our house wvwn tho the storm has passed. MY question is why would you leave ur house unless u going down the street. I mean EVERYTHING is closed. I think I may die of bordom or kill my cousins b4 we are released. Upside is no school or work untill most likely Wendsday. There is about to be some horrible traffic again with all the ppl coming back in. I pray someone sends us some gas or we are shit outta luck. I think I'm going to have a I Survived Rita Party with some Margaritas lol. I need a drink after all the work we did to secure my sissy's house. I need to smoke lol. I can't wait to buy a fat 20 sac lol ~SMooches~


She W0rd Hustlez said...

I can't believe this was almost 3 years ago. Man! I remember it like it was yesterday. I almost died of boredom myself in little ass Eagle Lake, Texas with ALL of my family in one little house. It was HORRIBLE!!!! Stuck in the worse traffic ever. Man.