11:59 AM

America's Next Fat Model lol

I haven't had much to say lately. Things have been going well. Went out on Sat. Had a great time. THe music sucked though. The DJ was from New Orleans. They are wayyyyyyyyyyyy behind Houston seems like. Its so weird here now b/c u can tell who is not from here. THey dress different. Its like a different standard of black folk. Like Houston chicks will leave the house with their hair uncombed,but N.O ppl leave the house with rags on their head (SMH at both). I am also annoyed that the other day I see this chick walking down the street with her little baby in this raggedy ass stroller no shoes or socks on, but she had a Vuton backpack on WTF. This is leading me to believe in the coming months when ppl stop giving and there is no more aid for them Houston is going to turn into the N.O. Meaning all the crime and shit is going to sprout here. I mean they are even more desperate now. I understand now why ppl dont want to help. I saw on another blog where this chick was saying the goverment should make restricitions on what they get to do with the money given. I thought it was wrong at first but it makes since now. I mean consider if you came form nothing. Like you before Katrina was poverty. NOw you gettin all this aid. What you gonna do with it. Buy everything you ever WANTED not what you NEED. Their are a few ppl staying at my mom's church. Keep in mind everything they get is free, but now they are complaining about the food and other things. Me personally would be glad someone is helping me period after this. Anyways I dont think ppl realized how much it would effect our city. **********************************************
Back to the club. I had so much fun laughing at all the fashion disasters. ITs like ppl have no true friends or HORRIBLE taste.THIS IS A PUBILC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT TO ALL WOMEN ( NOT JUST THE FAT CHICKS B/C U SKINNY ONES BE LACKING TOO) EVERYTHING IS NOT MADE FOR YOU. I think women feel just b/c they skinny they can wear anything. Let me be honest with you. You look the FOOL. I'm not saying i'm the best dresser, but I am saying I know what looks good and flatters me and thats what I wear. *************************SO here is an update on my last post. The girl called my close friend and told him she didint want to be his friend anymore. WTF I dont know what to say about that. I guess some bitches never learn. ***********************************Put a few pic of me playing with me cam phone. I think I am slowly becoming conceided. I guess its better then being the sterotypical fat girl. I love me and I dont give a fuck who dont. ~Smooches~


..Sue...Zette... said...


theurbanista said...

i feel ya girly.

Anonymous said...

You go girl.. I havent been here in awhile. I still see you running thangs... Take care..