All About the Life On Me A Sexy Fat Chick In A Skinny Bitch World. Enjoy
Hello Fellow Bloggers. SFC checking in and asking a great question. Why is ERRBODY throwin Shade on my shine. It seems like at every turn someone has something negative to say to me. It can be about me personally, how I live, or what I do. Its really getting on my nerves and I find myself poppin off on people. Then they wanna call me a BITCH, when if you would stop dippin in my kool-aid in the first place I wouldn't have had to handle you like that. Its so odd b/c I am not use to or shall I say until now I didn't believe ppl hated one me. I mean back in the day when I wasn't as sure of myself I just thought people were mean, but now I realize it was HATIN. Like now I'm doing my thing, in a new tax bracket and showing it. I am also looking SCRUMDIDDLYUPTIOUS and people don't like it. I personally don't hate on people. Friend most importantly and I feel that JEALOUS rearing its head. It was really getting to me at first and I realized something. People have been doing it for years and it will contiune,so people just don't wanna see you do good and shine. They want you down in the trenches with them struggling. Well FUCK DAT PAY ME. I am so grateful for everything that has been happenin in my life and I am truly blessed. As long as I know what's up the rest doesn't matter.
So like a week ago I called the EEOC to tell them about the issues at my office and to see if I actually have a case. They told me I did and the process of filing a formal charge. I know its the right thing to do, but all I can think of is this job is my livelihood and I don't want to lose it until I am ready. Unfortunately things at my office are only getting worse and now my top boss is trying to get me fired. He critique everything I do and is now even blaming things on me that I am not responsible for, while CC; the owner of this business on ever email. He is on a mission and I am her to make sure he fails. The way I am treated for the quality of work I do is ridiculous. When your customers are telling me how much better the company is doing since I came on board perhaps your attitude should be different toward me. I am sover the crying everyday,now I'm just pissed that I allow it and so do the owners and no one cares. Today I've decided to roll the dice and see what happens. It really sucks to be so happy in your personal life a miserable 9 hours while your at work. Then I bring it home and think about why a person would do the things he does. I can't live like this. I want to leave work where it is and not take it home with me. I don't really see any other options. Maybe this will make them take it seriously.
OMG on a lighter note. 2 of my friends were walking me home from there apt (we live in the same apartments different complex). One of the wanted to stop at another friends apt in the complex to see his new puppy. So we go and are there about 5-10 min and decided to leave, when we hear the neighbors downstairs bammin on the ceiling. We are like WTF b/c we really weren't making any noise. So we go down the stairs on one of my friend is really pissed off about it. So I felt like I was 12 again. He's like I'm going to knock on his door and run. I'm like nooooooooooooo. Its like 11:30 on a weekday. So he does it anyway. So what do I do. This 23 y/o adult lol. I run like hell. I didn't know who lived there and I was not trying to be shot. People are crazy these days and will shoot you for less. It had rained that day and I had on fil flops but I sprinted across the grass to my apartment. I met up with them on the other side and they like why you run. WTF yall not getting me shot. Anyway the dude from apartment he knocked on came out talkin shhh. I felt like a little kid I promise. I had to laugh at myself b/c I took off running.
ATL was really nice. I got to see Monica in concert and take some pics with Samore. Also saw tons of reality TV stars. But Lennox Mall is BOO BOO. Sorry all the ATL folks but they but a big hype on ATL and its not that crunk. I mean don't get me wrong the club scene is better than Houston but if Lennox is your best mall, I'll stick with H-town. Then as I was walking through there I saw a group of chick heads doing the "CHICKEN NOODLE SOUP"dance in the mall while video taping. I couldn't help myself I laughed really loud and was like are you serious. I detest that song. It makes no sense what's so ever. The weather was excellent tho and downtown is really nice. That Underground mall is kinda scary tho. I would definitely go back. ATL reminds me of Houston with a little twist of excitement.
That's all got for now. ~Smooches~ And I'm not proofreading this either.
9 hours in the car and still cute lol. On my way to ATL. MY ASS HURTS. Why did i read they raised 9.5 million or billion i forget FOR Lebanon. I hope there were no American donations because the NO is
still fucked up and we need all money to go to that. Im trying to get these bastids outta here. Why did the mayor of Houston say not to give any money to the homeless. Lol. They mad. I guess blogger
kinda cool to let me clog from my cell. ~SMOOCHES~
Random Thoughts
1. Why is Ignorance bliss?
2.Why is it I wish to be stupid sometimes so stupid people won't annoy me?
3. How do Idiots get top positions in companies. I mean If I can tell you are an idiot someone else has to.
4. Why is it when my Old Best Friend from high school added me on my space and I saw pics of our old click (it was 3 of us) and a new chick they hang out with it kinda made me feel sad? I mean its silly b/c we haven't been close for years. Its just so odd to see a different face with those two b/c it use to be me that completed the 3 some (He He).
5. Why do people think that everyone came be persuaded by flattery? I know I'm cute that bullshit don't work on me.
6. Why do I plot revenge errday in my head?
7. Why do people not keep in touch?
8. Why is it that I am trading my happiness for money. I mean I know I gotta eat but this is ridiculous?
9. Why do people assume I believe the BS they spit at me. I can smell shit from a mile away, please find another sucker?
10. Why only now is Bush taking responsibility for Katrina?
11. Why are people offended by the truth?
12. Why do people have unprotected sex? WTF this needs no commentary.
13. Why do I feel like I have no one to really talk to although I have several close friends?
14.Why do I care about other people's feelings instead of worrying about my own?
15. What makes some people think I give a Fuck?
16. Why did this chick in Houston get car jacked and thrown out of the car on the busiest street in Houston and no one STOPPED. Why?
17. Why is it every time I have to speak to my boss I throw up a little?
18. Why are people so FAKE?
19. If every dog has his day, when will I have mine?
20. Why can't I stop asking myself questions?
Since it is the 1 year mark of this National disaster I gotta talk about it since it effect my city the most with out ever hitting here. First let me ask the Lawd for forgiveness and ask him to send his blessings to all the TRULY HARDWORKING people that loss their entire lives that they worked so hard for. Also my heart goes out to ANYONE who lose someone in the tragedy. Yes, our government failed there own and it is truly sad and should have never happened.
As you all know and I'm sure saw at least one show about the aftermath and how things are shaping up in the NO. Well of course shit is still the same and Bush is still doing his thing in Iraq and saying Fuck Yall, I'm trying to get this OIL Money. on the radio today they were trying to get people to call in positive things that this distress has brought about a year later. Sadly all the people that called were mostly Houstonians b/c we gotta get up and go to work in the morning unlike other who sit on there ass all day. The consensus is Houston has truly been FUCK UP due to these people. I'm not saying all, b/c I have met and read about several who took this as a blessing to do something better or who actually trying to work and get their life back to whatever normalcy you can have after such a tragedy. It seems most of them don't want to do shit. How is it there you have been here for a year and you still have no job and living of of your FEMA shit and you it about to run out. Why is it that FEMA is so behind on paying the apartments in Houston that they cannot afford to make repairs. Word of mouth from one manger that FEMA just paid for July's rent. They also don't pay late fees. That means really nice apartments that let these people in b/c our government said "Oh we got them let the m in" are now struggling to keep tenants let alone the grounds up. So now I must suffer b/c you living for free and not trying to change it. Why is it that I am FOREVER hearing one of them same WE HATE HOUSTON WE WANT TO GO HOME. I Say KICK ROCKS HOE. If all you can do is complain and bitch about how bad you have it here go back to them broke down ass projects you came from. I just know if it was me and I can from living with nothing and they gave me a new start, I would be GRINDING and trying to get my life on track. Instead, I come home from working hard to see their ass sitting outside of the apartments steps talking shit and drinking. It angers me b/c I work hard and they don't do shit and get paid for it. I remember when this first happen people were giving them jobs over Houstonians b.c they wanted to help. I'm also pissed b/c SOME of them seem to think we are obligated to feel sorry for them and help them. Its like when you tell them they can't do or have something they wanna through KAtrina up in your face. My city took you in and did you right. We volunteered and gave up rooms our houses and now you wanna shit on us. Well fuck you too. I have no sympathy left in me for all the TRIFLING evac we have. Again I am not saying all but the a Freaking lot are taking advantage. They are getting use to using the system just like they did in the N.O. Fema has extended there 1 year rent free living until October. Every Time the deadline hit they get more time. They should really put stipulations on paying your rent. Like having a job would be a requirement for extended assistance. It is unbelievable how they are wasting money instead of actually helping people they are enabling them be to TRIFLING just like there were in the N.O. Then I heard on the news 1 out of 4 N.O students didn't pass. WTF yall teaching those kids down there. They are behind Houston and causing teachers to have to re-teach and slow lessons down to keep up. This whole thing is a mess. They need to get someone in charge of this that actually knows what they are doing b/c this shit is not workin. Just wait until all the FEMA aid stops and all they people get evicted. Then what. Where will they go and what will they do to survive. I mean since they came from the #1 murder capital what you think they gone do. Pray that's all I can do. ~Smooches~
SOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Lets skip all the Where u been? Whats been going on BS? Life is the answer. I've been keeping a list of shit I wanted to come and blog about so here we go
1. How da fuck u gonna eliminate Pluto. I mean seriously who are we (one planetin the system that has life, that we know of ) gonna say Pluto aint making the cut no more. further more do you know ow many kids failed science exams b/c the forgot about all that info we were forced to learn in school. now allt hat info is useless. I just a cannot believe they gonna kick a planet out of the solar system. I bet bush had something to do with it. He always trying to bully somebody.
2. The New episode of Survivor has split the teams up by races this time. so all the whites together and the black ova dere and the Mexicans ova there. WTF now they knew this was going to cause some shit. You know what they doing don't you. Trying to prove once and for all the White race can truly survive without minority assistance. I am so interested to see which team excels in the challenges. I have also read some ignorant ass comments about the Black ppl team is going to lose b/c black people cant swim. Do people actually believe this BULLSHIT. FOOL WE CAN SWIM, it is very possible for all regular humans to learn how to swim. What on God's green earth would make people think it is genetically impossible. That is the stupidest shit I ever heard in my life. You know it was the white man that started that shit. They didn't want they money (Slaves) to make a swim for it back to the mother land. Bastids!
3. While on the way to work, I heard on the radio that Dallas, TX is thinking of banning saggy pants and having a fine if you actually walk around like that. My thoughts. HELL FUCK YES. That shit looks so tacky. I do not want to see your draws. You also cannot walk, and God forbid you try to run, you as good as got. It looks so tacky to me. I see dudes with belts holding there pants below their ass. Really what's the point of the belt. Buy pants that fit and get a freakin life. Some idiot called in and said well if we gotta pull out pants up then they should also ban cleavage. SMH I'm not even gonna respond to that shit.
4. I recently read the morning after pill is going to be available over the counter for women over 18. WHY? I believe in abortion under certain circumstances like (retardation in the fetus, rape, incest, serious risk to the mothers health). If you are just some hood rat hoe who can't keep her legs closed this medications should not be available to you. Allowing this drug the be so easily accessed will only cause a rise in STDs. I mean think of the statistics now on STD in this country. The only reason its probably not higher is b/c people are afraid of getting pregnant. Now the solution to there problems is here. Not to mention the age requirement means nothing. Now teenagers can go have sex and get an older friend to buy it and their parents will be none the wiser. Are we actually helping my making this drug so ready available to the public without doctors supervision. I hope they put a limit on the number you can buy or something b/c there is no doubt in my mind this drug will be abused.
5. Heard another topic on the radio about Hip Hop and how people think it a bad influence on kids and such. One of the djs brought up a great point. There has always been music that parents disapproved of in every era of time. Why is it that hip hop saga has gone on for so long. I mean people eventually accepted Rock music and left it alone and now it is mostly accepted. But hip hop is still getting a bad wrap. The dj said he believes its b/c it Black people that are benefiting and making the most money from it and as the song goes THEM HOES DON"T LIKE THAT. A women called in and said a lot of people that wrap are African Americans who have been in jail at some point or felonies (which may or may not be true), but she is saying that rapping or singing is something they can do that does not require a background check. B/C hip hop embraces you if you truly have talent(shit even if you don't u could get one song out of it) no matter what is in your past people don't like that. I thought it was an interesting way to think about the whole hip hop is so bad Drama.
6. This pregnant Bitch in my office who I have spoken about before is digging herself into a lawsuit. I think I've written before about her using derogatory words like TACO - for Mexicans andusing the word NIGGA in general when speaking. Now she is rather ghetto and all but the bitch aint black. She is Mexican. If you coose to talk down on your own race thats your business, but dont bring mine into it. I mean I use NiGGA but I never use it at the work place and I sure as hell wouldn't expect someone I don't know or I work with to talk to me and use this word. Well one of my bosses over heard her telling me a story and she kept saying Nigga (she says it alot like she the most ghettoest person ever in life). My boss told her that wasn't appropriate and that I may feel uncomfortable with her saying that. I said I know thats the way she talks but I do find it offensive and unprofessional and if the wrong person heard her our office could be sued. I did tell her this before about using Taco, I guess she assumed Nigga was ok, but its not. So she apologizes to me and said she didn't know it offended me. Later that day she was back at it again. I know she says it at home all the time, but she should be able to keep that shit to herself when she isn't. I really think I should report it to the EEOC but I am the only black person in a 5 person office so they will know it was from me. I'm not trying to start shit,but I shouldn't have to hear this where I work from someone I don't even know like that. I guess I'm up in the air on it and need a second opinion. My sister says get a lawyer lol. She always down for controversy lol.
Well in general life is going great. Gotta new place and it feels nice, yet a bit lonely to live alone again. I'm enjoying it now but its only a matter of time before I hate it lol. I'm going to ATL for labor day weekend. So, if anyone out there wants to show me around HOLLA AT ME. I'm so excited. I need a break real bad. That's All I got. Smooches
Guess whos Bizack!!! I'm not really in a writing mood right now. I just thought I should make it know I'm still alive and doing aight. Life gets you caught up sometimes as you all know andI guess it has me caught up. Ya girl is HUSTLING. I have so much shit I need to do in the next 2 months but I'm trying to make it happen. Life is good,though. I really can't complain although that seems like that is all I do. I want life to be easy and I can't get my mind to realize that will never happen. The easy way out is not an option anymore I have to do this and I guess thats a little scarey. Now I know what they meant by you are going to wish for your childhood days again b/c now I wish I could go back to that easy life. Yall keep me in ya prayers for strength. I love the pic above. I was feeling quite nice in it lol. The upside is I've been having a good time with old friends and its nice. I'll write more later... if life doesn't side track me yet again.
I guess I forgot blogger still existed. Its been awhile. Every time I think about how I should write I don't really want to. I've been working on a book. Well working on how to write the book first, then I'll start. I never knew how any Ideas I have floating in this head. I'm so nervous today, b/c I FINALLY get my big raise. We settled on an amount, but that amount is looking kind of wack right now. So I sent the owner of the letter asking for a few more $$$. He is suppose to be in town today to discuss it. Conveniently on Friday I had a break down in the office. When I get pissed off, I cry. Not a few tears, a lot and almost to the point of hyperventilating, if its really crucial. As everyone knows I hate my boss. This is really said b/c I don't even hate all those fuckers that use to make fun of me or made my High School Years Horrible. I hate this man though. Its such a strong word but if you met him you would know why. Anyway, I had this breakdown b/c this fucka has a habit of making his fuck ups look like his staffs. Its like whenever someone has something bad to say about this company he tells them that his assistant is new and I'm just the receptionist. Well at least that’s what he told this dude. He doesn't seem to comprehend tat if his staff looks stupid, NEWSFLASH the whole company looks stupid, all at the expense of his ego and what every intelligents he thinks he has. So pretty much I need to be compensated and I'm tired of the owners not knowing about how he runs his office. The shit is not organized and the customers run this company. We have not authority over our assigned duties hb/c if they don't like our answer, they go to him and he send out email with these customers CC on it tell us to do whatever they say pretty much. Being the intelligent, black women I am, I cannot stand for someone insinuating otherwise, and of all people his dumb ass. Oh no. So now I'm on that pay me of FUCK you tip. I either get what I ask for or I start looking else where. I know that I cannot continue to work for an idiot or under the circumstances. And its only going to get worse b/c at today's meeting I'm going to make sure its known why I need a increase and it solely based on his stupidity. It really sucks b/c the owners are really nice and have a very profitable compant that could be so much better with the right people.
On another note, I had a GREATTTTTTTTTTTTTTT time this weekend. I went out with a few friends. I think I've talked about them before, but most of my closest friends are gay. We've been friends since High school. I've been around the gay world for a while, but it never ceases to surprise me. Going to a gay club is lie entering a whole new world. Not b/c there you see people of the same sex dancing and kissing and such, but b/c the vibe is different. Yes things still sometimes still pop off in a gay club but usually people are there to have a good time. I mean if you are the most prosecuted ppl in the world the last thing you want to do is come to a club meant for you to be accepted and start a lot of shit. The vibe is mellow and gay (happy lol). Anyway I went with some new people, so it was a new experience. My new friend BEBE who is a dude I met through one of my friends boyfriend, seems to be one of the well known in the Houston gay community, so walking through a club with im is like walking down the gay red carpet at the Gay Grammy's. Its so funny b/c he is such a performer, which you also see a lot a gay club, but he had me cracking up all night. He doesn't walk through the club he does what I call a glide/dance. Its like he's walking through his video and he has to dance and seem like he's mingling lol. It was an experience. Here it seem the Gay night out last wayyyyyyy longer that the str8 ones. I didn't get home until 6, everyone that knows me knows once it gets too hot, I am ready to go ASAP.
In other news, I was discussing this whole gay thing with some people. I think that if you are attracted to men and women them you are bi. Even prefer the same sex, there is still an attraction to the other as well. Well, another person there saw
it differently. He thinks that people who are bi are that way b/c they are not ready to come out and be gay yet. Meaning it is a happy medium for them. They don't have to deal with all the shit that comes along with being fully gay and if ever questioned they can always bring up the opposite sex they also like. This is a great point. I never thought of it this way and subconsciously this could be true.
Last, but not least. I, ME, The SFC, met someone in the club. Now my policy is, you will neva eva eva meet someone in the club that is going to be more than a booty call. Now whats really fucked up is that I've never really tried to have anything with someone I met in the club. I don't even approach people. I'm on the whole tip that if you like what you see you will come over. Well, while in the club this weekend something caught my eye. From the first look I was like damn. I purposely stood by this person just to see if they would approach. No haps, but they did offer there seat to me in a nice cool spot. The club I was at was like visiting hell in most parts so if you could find a cool spot with a chair you have found a quality spot. I declined the offer and ended up walking off following friends. The rest of the night I would pass by and sneak glances, or I would catch this person doing the same. I am super shy so, I was not about to make a move (I know how old am I like 15, but that just me). So the club is closing and we are walking out and I obviously rolled my eyes at this person. I didn't know I did it, I guess I was annoyed that they hadn't tried to get my number. So the person ask me why you rolling your eyes at me. Oh course I immediately go into flirt mode and tell them I dunno what they are talking about. Then for the first time in history (at least that I can remember) I say you should call me sometime. Then the regular, oh well let me get your number thing happens. Its so funny b/c after the club closed, everyone is in the parking lot for like an hour or more, so I end up seeing them out there. The person tells me that they were watching me all night, but they are shy as well. So, if I wouldn't have taken this chance all that sexiness would have been lost to another. Thank the LAWD. B/C SFC is about to get her groove back LMAO. That’s all got. I'm going to add a few pics. ~Smooches~
I've been wanting to start and idiot of the week blog. I encounter so many Idiots on a daily basis, be it driving, watching the news, or/and WORK. I'm going to test out the response here and see what happens. On with the point
So I was hangin with a friend who I don't hang with that much anymore last weekend. He introduced me to this chick lets call her CiCi, she is the epitome of Ghetto Trash( HoodRat). Let's start with the fact the bitch has been collecting what she tells them is disability. I, on the other hand, think its Welfare. Let me just say she don't look disabled to me. So, she doesn't work and she has 2 BEAUTIFUL kids ( 7 months and the other is like 4 or 5). I walk into her house and I am taken a back. I instantly conclude it is not safe to touch anything and antibacterial sanitation will be need upon leaving. This bitch's house is FUCKING FILTHY. I mean I know people with kids have a hard time keeping their shit clean but this bitch must have for got she does not have a maid and it is her job to clean the shit up. The floor looked like it has not been swept in months. There is a faint odor of something not being right. As I walk pass the kitchen I figure out it must be the dirty dish water someone has left in the sink. Or it could be the several dirty dishes I see scattered across the house with food caked on that looks like it has been there for months. My friend tells me that another dude asked her why her house was so dirty and her excuse was and I fucking quote "Oh I just made groceries." WTF does that have to do with you cleaning this filthy ass house.
Our purpose for going there was to pick up an X for my friend. Well, come to out she is getting rid of her kids and cannot wait to get on it herself. So, we sit there for awhile and then her friend BOOKIE comes. I kid you not there is a GROWN ASS MAN name Bookie walking around a hood in Houston. He is originally from, come on I know you all can guess. HE is from the MUTHERFUCKING N.O. better know as New Orleans. *SIGH* Well, Bookie must think he is the MAN although he is one ugly, tired, broke looking mofo. Bookie only thinks this b/c CiCi is fucking him. That's all great and shit, but Bookie lives with his baby mama. CiCi is very aware and does not give a shit. Apparently neither does the BM b/c she is aware as well. As a matter of fact the dumb heffa has seen Bookie go into CiCi's house then come and knock on the door only to have CiCi say he is not there and she that doesn't know what the chick is talking about. I assume the girl believes her and walks away. Either way she know what's up and she doesn't care. So we leave her and end up going out and standing her up b/c she was suppose to go, but she was taking to long to get rid of her kids. My friends don't have children so we really can't relate so she got left. Anyway one of my friends was feeling bad b/c she was on X and called us crying and shit so after we left the club, we went back to her house. We walk in and she is in her bedroom. We go in there and her and Bookie are in bed naked. Now if I'm chilling with a dude naked I'm going to let it be known before 3 people come into my bedroom. So, we walk in and she acts like its gravy. Telling us to sit down and shit ( on the dirty ass floor).
So we chillin there for a minute and I have to pee. Yes, I am afraid of what I will find in her bathroom, do to the look of the rest of the house. I have no intention of putting my ass on the seat anyway. So, I ask her could I use her bathroom. Her response is
" Oh the toilet is stopped up. Just go pee in the shower I just did it." My mind has a hard time of wrapping itself around what she just said so I do the odviously.
Anyway CeCe 2 starts talking to my friend who is a Gay man about how she think P is gay. I am tripping b/c I know P and CiCi fuck as well. The plot thickens. CiCi and CeCe 2 are both fucking P and they are friends. They not only fuck him separately, but together. P has supplied them with there X and he gets his money's worth odviously. So she tells us how P like to use toys in bed, but not on them. He has them use the toys on him. She also tells us of P and her going to gay bars and him disappearing with men into the bathroom and hitting on other men. SO pretty much this heffa knows he plays both ideas of the field, and is fucking her friend and doesn't give a shit. There whole arrangement is like a cocktail for a STD. About an hour later Bookie shows up. You would think this dude would stay clear after the whole gun incident, but I guess when Pussy calls you gotta go. So he comes over and is chilling in the living area with my friend and I while CiCi and CeCe 2 are in the bedroom (which is just as filthy as the rest of the house if I didn't mention that). He is limping and being the nosy Mofo I am I ask him why he is limping. He replies by unbuckling his belt and unzipping his pants. He pulls down his dingy underwear to reveal a bandage over his pubic area. He begins to explain he went to the hospital last night for a ingrown hair on this area and it really hurts. LMAO ingrown hair my ass, maybe Herpes or syphilis(?). Then a few minutes after telling me this he ask for my #. Now he may not know, that I know he has a baby mama at home, but he damn well knows I know he's fucking CiCi. My mom always says the company you keep will determine how ppl see you. I guess being even remotely associated with this BIRD had him slipping to think he was going to get my #. So, I decline twice and he gives up. He brought another N.O. friend along with him. SO, I started asking them what they do. They both reply not a DAMN THING. I begin to tell them of a place I know thst is hiring and they pay $21 a hour. Bookie stops me and asks me what the hell am I telling him that for. He has no intention of looking for a job, oh and why should he. I'm sure his baby mama either works or is getting FEMA or both and their rent and untilties are paid up for like a year. The truth is why would he work and I'm sure he didn't work before he came here either, so why start now. I guess me suggesting his broke down ass get a job was offensive, so he spit back the question do you have job. I reply YES YOU BROKE MOFO MOST PPL IN AMERICA DO AND IF THEY DON"T THEY ARE LOOKING. I meet my first male HOODRAT. Shortly after I leave.
The next day the same friends I was chilling with that weekend come and take me to lunch that Monday. They tell me they went back to CiCi's house that Sunday before. Now although they are Gay they are both interested in the female anatomy. Why on God's green earth they would think these chicks were the ones to play show and tell with I don't know. Anyway they went over there and CeCe 2 was under the dirty cover (the bed had no linen on it and a dirty blanket her and her men and her kids sleep on) with only a t-shirt on. Again they let them come in the bedroom. One of my friends was like let me see what you working with. He goes underneath the cover and pulls it back. He says he smells and odor, but is unsure of what it is and who or what is it coming from. As he begins to spread her legs open he sees what he describes as Cottage Cheese (hence my names for the both of them CiCI LMAO) between the lips. She quickly gets u and says she needs to take a shower. BITCH A. She knew she needed a shower before they walked in the door let alone opening up her nasty legs. B.She knew either her ass has just got done having sex or has a yeast infection and yet and still you allowed this dude to open your nasty legs and see that. EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW GHETTO BIRD. Then my friend had the nerve to tell me CeCe 2 thought I was cute. I'm like WTF am I going to do with that info. I wouldn't allow that bitch to pour me a glass of water with gloves on let alone tough me. After seeing these women, if that's even the right thing to call them, I am so never get in the situation they find themselves so content in. Don't get me wrong they seemed, although not very intelligent, but cool people. I unfortunately am unable to grasp the point of their lives. They only thing CiCi has that is worth shit is her children and she can't even get that right. I fear for them and what she lets in her house. Her baby girl is so beautiful and some men see CiCi as an opportunity to not only get some of her ass but MAYBE take advantage of her children as well. I hope she wakes up and sees the light,but I doubt it. She seems comfortable in her filth right now. This story was kinda hard to tell, even though parts were funny, seeing her children made is different. If it was just her fucking up her life that would be fine with me. Her children don't have a choice. Her son is old enough to know whets going on and that will effect him. I'm praying for all you GHETTO BIRDS. GROW THE FUCK UP. I'm Out. ~Smooches~
What It Do blog land? People in Houston say What it do. I Freakin hate this question if you can call it that. It means like how's it going, but you sound really dumb saying it. Anywho, Life is grand, well mostly. This week I have yet another story to tell about yet another trifflin Houston man. I had to make sure it was safe before I posted lol.
So Last Saturday, I volunteer to go to Sonic (Burger Place) to get my fam dessert. Its like a drive up place and it has a little drive through boxes at each parking spot to order from. So I am sitting in my car when one of the waiters pass by. He is staring at like he lost his mind. So I stare back of course. He passes by my car and flirts. The guy seemed really nice and he looked aight and he has a job. In Houston, that is hard to find. So he comes back and brings me my food. He makes more convo and casually ask for my #. I usually ask for there # and choose to call or not. He keeps asking me when I'm going to call and if i actually will. My response was maybe. So I give him my phone so he can input my number. I turn to arrange my food in the car safetly as he is doing this. I don't know if dudes do this errwhere, but in Houston dudes sometimes try to pull what I like to call a STUNT. When ask them to give there # instead of you giving yours, they input the number and them call themselves in order to get your #. I HATE THIS SHIT. I usually don't even let ppl input the # themselves anymore. I usually do it for them. WEll, this dude caught me slippin. I mean why would you do this shit. It makes you look desperate and it annoys the shit out of me. Also even if you do call A. doesn't mean I will answer and B. if I do it will probably never get answered again b/c I know I did not give you my #. Anyway all this goes down unknown to me at the time. I leave Sonic and I get home and about 20 minutes later I get a phone call from an unknown #. I answer and he's like
"Whats up, you was not going to call me were you?" I'm thinking this is some
dude I gave my # to a while back maybe. SO I'm like
"Maybe I've been busy." Odviously I wasn't too convincing b/c he
"You don't even know who this is, do you? This is Craig." So Now
I'm like WTF how the hell did he get my #. Then it hits me HE has pulled a
STUNT. So yes now I am annoyed, but I'm not cold hearted so I contiune our
convo, while contemplating if I'm ever going to speak to him or better yet block
his shit.
So I start asking the regular get to know you questions. First
question I ask
"Do you live alone?"There is a long silenece and he begins to give his
"Well, right now I'm living at this half way house for 8 months them I'm
going to get my own place." WTH a half way house is a place that people stay
when getting out of jail on a major charge or rehad. SO my next question is
of course
"WHY?" The answer was not what I expected to hear
"Well when I was like 1 y/o my mom go murdered by this dude. He
claimed he was crazy and he got off. When I got old enough, I murdered
I'm speechless. I mean I am so sure I've dated ppl that did dirt, maybe even killed ppl, but the difference is I did not know anything about that shit. Even worse he is fresh out of jail, I'm not fucking with it. This was a little too much info too soon for me. I am instantly uncomfortable and tell him I need to go. This dude proceeds to call me no less hten 8-11 more times that day. I didn't answer. I then become heavly concerned for my life. Yes I am meladramatic. So, I tell my sister and she laughs for a good minute and then tells me to tell him I'm not interested. I am afraid to do it. So the next day rolls around and dude is still calling me a lot. So then he text messages me and says. I probabaly don't want to talk to him b/c He works at SONIC. I'm think DUDE that don't mean shit to me. So I text him back and tell him it is his past that bothers me and I don't think I can fuck with him on any level. The calls stopped and I haven't talk to him since. Moral: Never let anyone input a # into ya phone b/c it could very well be a murder ur talking too. SMH thats a damn shame when you gotta learn lessons like that. Also the biggest down side is I LOVE THAT FREAKIN SONIC and not I can't eat at that location any more. DAMMMMMITT!!!
Oh and the shit stil does not stop. I met another dude. NOt like that he was a cop and he was pulling me over at the time. I was parked at a gas station. NOw that the INVADERS have came my street is Hot (The block is hot he he) anyway dude pulls me over. He comes up to my window and ask
"Do you know why I am stopping you?" Of course I reply NO and give a confused look. In actuallity I am fully aware of this said warrent, but you know how u get caught up with other shit and thats what had happen. So he tells me
"Come back to my car and look at my computer screen ." I walk back and he sits down in his car and I lean over to look at the computer. Mind you (hence the pic) I have ample boobage and when I usually were low cut shirts, so when I bent over to look he had a great view. So after I look at it and confirm it is me he says (while looking at my boobs not my face)
"You know if this warrent comes back valid, I will have to take you to jail."I tell him I understand and he allows me to go back to my car and arrange for someone to go come get it my car ( which was nice b/c they usually dont let u do that). Well, I am shaking in my freakin boots. I have never been to jail and I don't ever want to go. All the jail movies are playing through my head. He walks back to the car and smiles and says
"Today is your lucky day, the warrent was came back invalid, you should call and get it removed from ur record."
I drive off knowing this man is liked the view or the county has fucked up. I call the next day and sure enough I am now sure My boobs will take over the world. I still have a freakin warrent.
Thats all I got for now ppl. HOLLA ~Smooches~
P.S. My work computer suxs so I will post pics later HOLLA

Hey Peoples, Hope Errbody is Great. Today someone I am feeling on a more than friends level LIED. It wasn't a big lie, it was kinda like a half lie. When I first started talking to this person they told me they had a car, but couldn't drive it b/c the tires where really bad. Although far fetched or maybe true, I had no reason not to believe them so I took it as fact. This person also told me they where saving up for the special tires that the car needed b/c of the rims. *SIGH* Today this person told me they went really early this morning to wash THE CAR. They went on and on about the hassle it was. At the end I am thinking WTF, although this person did say they drove THEIR car around town sometimes. I am thinking why the hell wash a car you rarely drive. Most of the time, when I talk to this person they are driving one of their parents car's. So I ask the question ,that I already have a feeling what the answer will be. I ask
"Who's car are you getting washed?"
The person replies. "My mom's car. I don't have a car, but if I were to go somewhere it would be in this car. I pay for everything for it except the car note and she is deciding if she is going to give it to me or get me a
new one."
This person then goes on with another subject like nothing happen. I eventually get off the phone and ponder why they would lie. I mean the person is a full time college student so I don't expect them to have all the things a working adult would. It really sucks b/c I don't like this person b/c of what they have, but for the conversations we have and the way we vibe. I also like this person b/c they are furthering their education and are following their dreams. I have an issue with lying. I usual don't. I know the consequences of it and if I'm feeling someone, I come clean or just don't do it from the beginning. This makes me see this person differently. I don't see them as honest. I mean this is not a big deal, but it makes me wonder why you would lie over something so petty. Something that doesn't really matter and you could have told the truth about. It makes me wonder what else will they lie about. What else HAVE they lied about. We are not together, but I don't know if I want to be with someone that is a liar. What I really need to now is, If I am blowing the out of proportion? AM I TRIPPIN.? It just seems like an unnecessary lie to me. Once I find out about one lie my mind starts running through all the other bullshit I thought was a lie, but believed b/c I didn't have a reason not to.
On another note. After watching an episode of College Hill (there was limited entertainment on TV that day) I am scared as hell to have sex. I mean I knew AIDS statistics where staggering, but not this damn bad.
- Of the estimated 145 infants perinatally infected with HIV, 105 (73%) were African American
- Of the estimated 18,849 people under the age of 25 whose diagnosis of HIV/AIDS in the 33 states with HIV reporting, 11,554 (61%) were African American.
- Since the beginning of the epidemic, African Americans have accounted for 379,278 (40%) of the estimated 944,306 AIDS cases diagnosed
WAKE UP!!!!!!
That is a damn shame. That means 6% of us have HIV. That is horrifying for a single black women in America today. I mean I have to go out a choose a mate and hope that I don't fall in love with someone that is positive. (Sidebar OFFICIALLY no sex without me seeing your test result and of course a condom is always required. NO TEST NO SEX HOMIE) I mean I know there are tons of drugs to help you live with it now, but why would you want to. Think of all the everyday complications you may have to go through just b/c you have it. I know someone who found out they were HIV positive. It then hit home for me. I knew it happen to tons of people, but never someone I knew. It made it more really for me I guess. The truth is we are killing ourselves. How hard is it to use a condom and most importantly GET TESTED. Only we can slow this down and at least try to stop the spread.
I didn't intend to write about the two together, but it makes sense. People that know and don't know lie about things like this. It hurts people everyday. I am sure if someone knew they where having intercourse with someone who had it they MAY have second thought. IT is a choice and everyone should be given the choice to choose if they want to go down that road. That little lie I talked about about could lead to huge lies like this. Don't get me wrong this is not the major reason I think that about lying, but it is definitely a good FUCKIN point. Enjoy your weekend peeps. *Holla* ~Smooches~
IF this BITCH tells me the same shit multiple times, one more time we are going to throw down in this office. Yeah, I'm back to down time a work so I can write a little something something. Same bitch getting on my nerves. I HATE STUPID PPL. We should rid the earth of them. They are a waste of space.
Last weekend was one of Houston's big events. Its called The Beach Party (Formally known as Kappa Beach Party which is what everyone still calls it anyway). The Kappa organization didn't want this freak show to be named after them anymore haha. SO, although I did not attend the actually beach festivities in G-Town (Galveston, TX), I did attend the Farewell Block party on That Wonderful MLK(Martin Luther King, St. Dr whateva, I know every city has an MLK). As people are coming back home they go down MLK and floss. IT was my first time going. Surprisingly I had a great time. I hate Houston usually, but this event made me embrace my southern roots. Only in TX will you see Candy cars and Fifth Wheels. It was cool to be around ya ppl without any violence or Bullshit.
On a whole other note. I went to the festivities with my Girl Trish. We met at a job I use to work at and became cool. She is a white girl. It seems once White chicks that date Black dudes find out my sister is married to a white dude they automatically think I'm cool. Its so hard for me to comprehend, but it has happen more than once. Anyway the Block party was on her side of town so I went with her and her other WHITE friends. I knew I was in for "Hey Snowbunnies" all day, but I don't trip ppl are ppl. IF you cool, I'm cool witcha. Any Who, to make this long story short. The bitches had some hostility for black women, which was easily sensed. I have never understood how you can date black men, but talk down on black women, Who in the hell you think gave you the black man. IT boggles my mind. One huge reason I could tell they talked about black women is her child. He refused to sit in the back of the SURBURBAN with me and my friends Trish. HE had a screaming fit. He wasn't afraid of Trish, but he refused to sit by me. I know children are shy sometime, but its like that little boy has been taught some shit. THe worst part is he is half black. I don't know WTF they thinking, but why would you put that in his head. WE are where he came from. Then there little comments about the common hoes walking around the block party. I mean you just get a feeling when shit is not meant in a certain way. Anyway both of them were what we in Houston call BOPPERS. This heffa had the nerve to say OMG he ugly, but I don't want to fuck him anyway, I want to fuck his car. She meant it and didn't flinch or laugh after saying it. Maybe its just me, but everybody knows the REAL rich man drives a maxima and is saving his shit up. The one flossing in the new car is usually the one struggling on the low low. Anyway they are the perfect example of why I don't have many females friends. Women can be very STUPID sometimes and that's some shit I can't deal with.
It's so sad that I've been writing this same post since last weekend and I am now finishing it today. So, this weekend, was extra mellow. I didn't do to much. I did see the results of putting a bug in someone's ear. The best time is when there high or intoxicated. MY girl Trish was high and we were chit chattin. She has a major prob. A TRIFFLING man. Dude is 32 Y/O with no job and not looking. They are struggling big time. She has been hitting me up for loans quite frequently. Personally if we are cool, I don't have a problem helping you out, especially if you are trying to help yourself. I can no longer under help her. Its not my business what or why you and your man are still together, but I'm not going to give you money that he is going to use and he is not doing shit. SO, on Saturday she did the greatest thing ever. She ask me what I thought about her situation ~SMILE~ I had been waiting on this invite in. Usually I just give my opinion anyway, but we are not that cool yet so I waited to be invited, I told her str8 up...You can do bad by yourself, tell that dude get on his grind or kick rocks. With a little more added to that. The bug was planted. Trish got some balls that night and started talking to that dude crazy. She is finally starting to see the light. The problem is the boyfriend of course knows who put that bug in her ear. He knows he trifling and I guess b/c we are both black I am suppose to not tell the poor girl that she is looking quite foolish. WRONG. I hope she leaves his broke ass. She can do so much better on her own. Having a partner that doesn't work it like having a grown ass child.
This weekend I also realized, that even tho I miss certain friends, I am doing so much better without them. Without the constant drama I had to go through or the Bullshit they always carried with them. I still love them do death, but I think our deep friend time has passed and there is no going back. I also realized that I have been thinking about Sasha a lot. I haven't called or made any other contact, but I miss her. I miss hanging out, then I think about what she was trying to do to me and I wonder why. If we were as cool as I thought, why would she do that to me. I guess its hard to believe someone you thought was cool would do that to you. I guess I have more trust and hope in ppl. I also noticed that the whole incident has made me paranoid. If some ppl come around, I don't know and they look suspect. I bounce in a heart beat. Its like its all in the back of my head and I don't really trust ppl anymore. I mean I've had other friends that did dirt, but not for one minute do I believe they would sell me out knowing I had nothing to do with it. Everything in me tells me never to talk to Sasha again, which I won't, but I know one day I am bound to see her. I wonder to myself what will I see in her eyes, or what will she say to me, does she even know that I know what she was trying to do. I have mad issues on letting shit go unresolved. It makes it very hard for me to letit rest, even though I know I should. Probably why curiosity killed the cat, oh but the satisfaction brought it back.I dunno fuck it. That's all I got for ya ~Smooches~
P.S I'll post pics later. My computer at work is janky. Oh and just now the dumb heffa I was talking about at the beginning of the post, calls me to the back of the office and asks me why can't she send an emaill. SO She's like watch. So I watch her begin typing in the email address. This Dumb heffa is typing in ( I'm like fool that is a web site not an emial address. She's like ohhhh that's why it wouldn't work. This is the incompetence I have to deal with. These bastid need to show me the MONEY and soon.
How Much MONEY will cause you to sacrifice your HAPPINESS
Posted by Chronicles Of The Sexy Fat Chick
HEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLOOOOOOOO Errbody. Hope all is going well in the lives of all of you. Mine is stressful as usual. Work is kicking my ass and annoying the hell out of me at the same time. I really like this job. I like the opportunities it can provide. I like most of the ppl here as well. BUT. You know there is always a BUT.
These ppl have been in this business for years and I am wonder how the fuck they made it. For instance yesterday this women asked me HOW DO I GET TO THE INTERNET. I seriously thought she was joking so I asked "Are you serious?" She was like "Yeah, I don't know which one to push. Is it the button(she said button I did not, it should be icon) that says My Computer?" I can't stand a stupid person. This bitch annoys me daily. She is always talking to me or asking me so throwed off question. She hobbles around the office all day (she broke her foot or some shit) complaing about how much it hurts and how hard her job is and how she does not get paid enough. The women just annoys me so much. I feel like everything she ask me to do something she should know how to do or should be doing herself I get this attitude with her. Does this deter her from asking me shit. HELL no the next few minutes she back in my face telling me how she doesn't understand something. Its not just her though.
The marketing rep annoys me to. I showed her at least 5 times how to enter shit into the system. Every time she need something entered she still emails me. So, recently she emailed me the shit and had the nerve to put ASAP on it. She also didn't send enough information for me to enter the shit. I politely wrote step by step instructions for this Heffa and told her she need more information, I also told her to let me know if she had any questions. Tell me why I walk to the back where her desk is to scan something and she says "Hey SFC, I got your email, but did you enter it into the system?" Oh the things I wanted to say to this heffa but the Lord held my tongue. I replied no (thinking to myself this is a perfect opportunity for you to learn the shit yourself, so you can stop emailing me to do it). She then ask me "Well, are you going to?" I am screaming at the top of my lungs in my head. I respond sure BIOTCH.
On to the other person that is 2 seconds away from being cussed out is my BIG BOSS. I have created a nickname for him. It is rude so if your offended oh fucking well. It is Faggoty Douche bag or Faggoty Biotch. Yeah I confirmed he is definitely gay. Which I could care less about. He is just an asshole. I will ask him a question and its like he takes out parts of what I say and form a whole new question in his head and then answers that question. Unfortunately , that shit does not help me with what I am asking him. So I try to rephrase and ask again. He does the same shit over and this time makes it seem like I am wasting his time by asking twice. I just go and figure the shit out on my own. He also has little dick syndrome if you ask me. He walks around like he is the man barking orders an being rude to his staff, when in actuality without us he is nothing. His shit will not take place without our hard work. That really pisses me off. Recently he was saying that shit was backed up and in so many words it was my fault. He was siding with the customer instead of backing me. The President of our company came down from Philly to handle this shit. Oh Guess what? It was not my fucking fault (like I said), It was the customers staff that dropped the ball. I love being right, but did I get an apology, hell no.
In conclusion, I like this job. The pressure is great sometimes, but its also rewarding to see ppl walk out of my office smiling with the keys to their new house. The pay right now sucks, but in about a month (I hope) it will be VERY NICE. My boss's rudeness and the incompetence of the staff does annoy me. My immediate boss I adore. She is really down to earth and listen when I speak and ask her questions. I think the main reason why I haven't went off is her. She realizes my boss is an ass and usually shelter me as much as possible. I know that any job is better than no job, but I don't know if I can cut it. I mean this man is at the point of no return for me. He doesn't have many more passes before I blow up. So my question is How much money will you sacrifice for your Happiness?
Oh this is my baby(neice) Poppin Her Collar Uh Oh

Posted by Chronicles Of The Sexy Fat ChickIts kinda fucked up, but I feel like I always say what I mean here no matter how it sounds. I do that b/c this is my shit. So, with that said... I don't feel like writing. I feel my mind is so busy thinking of all the shit I should be doing. I feel like I rest but my mind doesn't. I'm always thinking of how I can do something. I am so determined to make the best of my good fortune. I have the opputrunity and I won't fail.
So since I'm feeling hella lazy...Here is a synopsis of what been happen.
I am working my ass off for my new employer. I hope all this hard work will payoff. I am so proud of myself b/c I'm doing my thing. Unfortunately, I am tired as hell and the weekend never seems to be long enough.
My B-day was April 8th. I feel old. I'm not old, but I feel older. This bartender gave me some concoction for my birth day. Let's just say it went down as easy as it came up...All over the bar LOL. It was too much for my stomach to handle. Oh well.
I had blonde highlights for about 4 days. I went to get my hair hightlighted for my birth day. I wanted lightbrown. They came out damn near platinum blonde. Luckily, they have been dyed darker and now they are very cute :)
Some people (I'm not naming any names, but you know who you are) seem to think I am conceited. This came as a shock to me. Although I feel I love my self...A lot. I am in no way a conceited bitch. I love me b/c for a long time I didn't and now I have to make up for it. Whateva, I am me...Hate it or Love it.
I saw this documentary on HBO called "Cutting Edge." It is a really nice documentary about a barber shop. They said something in it that really made me think. One guy said.
"All men CHEAT. If they don't CHEAT, they're GAY"
That fucking sucks. Is that all you have to look forward to. I personally think they should of kept that shit to themselves. If that's the best you can hope for out of a man. Fuck it. What's the point. Its a good point too. I mean I know a lot of gay guys. I have seen the "downlow guy" for myself. It's a fucking shame. I don't give a shit either way, but at least be real about it. Don't lie and fuck up the other person's life.
I'm fucking sick of being single. Its like the plague. I want a mate. I don't want a half ass mate, so Its gonna take a little longer than I thought. People or so full of shit these day
is sad. For example. I met this dude the other night. He decided to be str8 up and tell me how much of a hoe he was in so many way. He said he had 3 kids and lived with the babies mama. Oh, but wait... He didn't love her no more and he was only staying for they kids.
Why stay in a hostile environment for the kids?
I'm not going to leave her until she gets on her feet. I'm going to wait
until she finishes school.
I put on the "that so sweet face" (thinking yeah freaking Right).
Well how long are you gonna wait?
Oh, I'm not in a hurry.
Conclusion. He live with his baby's mama, but he fucks around on the side. He fucks around on at least a weekly basis. For some reason that night I had DUMMY written on my forehead and he thought I was going to go for that shit. SMH. Oh and once he found out it was not going down... I'm stuck up and uppity. FUCK U! My pussy gets given when I want it to and if you don't like don't fuck with me... HOLLA
Why the hell did I see Mike Jones on this corny ass show on MTV called "Yo Mamma." People come on and do the dozens and the best person wins, of course they have a yo mamma joke portion. Well, it was the finals and Mike Jones was on as a celebrity judge. One of the contestants kept REPEATING shit he said in previous battles. Wilmar (from That 70s show, who is also a host) said the other contestant should win b/c her material was not reused and fresh. Mike Jones had the fucking nerve to say "Yeah, that's true... You can't repeat yourself over and over and use the SAME material to win." WWWWWWWWWTTTTTTTTTTTTTTFFFFFFFFFFFFF. Mike Jones entire career is based on repeating the same shit over and over. Example "Who? Mike Jones." Not to mention, all of you non-Houstonians, Mike Jones have had the same wack ass lyrics since he was on the "BeforeThe Kappa" tapes. He's been saying the same shit for year. OMG I almost had a heart attack when he was telling this dude all the shit he needs to tell himself.
Jade is a spawn of Satan and needs to be destroyed.
OMG I almost forgot about one of the funniest things that happen to me. My "Go Out Crew" and I went out the other night and it was one of their birthdays. My homegirl was only turing 20 , but she was drinking like it was her 21st. She gets so fucked up. She is dancing all outta control and then she falls. I'm like oh hell no. It is time to go. So I tell her this and she is like NO, I want to stay. So we argue for like 5 minutes. Its like 5 of us. 4 are trying to convince her it is time to go, while she continues to dance and such. So finally one of the other chicks in the crew is like Fuck this. She puts this girl in a headlock of sorts. You know how police officers put you hands behind your head and hold you in that position. Well we are walking out of the club with the girl in this hold. People are looking at us like WTF is going on. I am crying laughing as we walk out of the club. Then the police start running our way. They think the two are fighting. We have to explain we are trying to get her home and they finally let us proceed to the door. We finally get outside where the drunk girl decided to meet a dude. He is helping walk her drunk as to the car. We are right behind the car when this happens.
Her drunk ass falls and some how lands underneath the car. I am almost rolling on the ground laughing at her ass. Oh and the night does not stop there. Later she falls down peeping outside b/c we can't find a bathroom. She pretty much pees on herself. Mind you I am still laughing. This was by far one of the funniest night outs I have had in a while.
*I think that is all for now ppl. Hopefully his week won't be so hectic at work and I can write. Smooches (Gotta Love Me)
I am soooooooooooooooooo Fusterated right now. The women at my job got fired today. Some to findout it has nothing to do with me, she has been slipping on her pimpin for a while and the boss finally let her go. The worst part is (well for me) now I have a shit load of work thrown at me and my boss is being all pissy. I just learned all this shit last week and he expects me to know all this crap. I hate not being able to d what is required of me not b/c I can't but b/c I haven't been taught. I am a bit of a perfetionist so this is realy irking me to no end. I need to understand whatI'm doing to ensure it is done right and I can't do that at this point. I am slos sick of him snapping at me ugh. I hate when ppl talk to me like I', stupid and he gives this look that says it. I'm not stupid i'm uninformed there is a big difference. I hope I can do this.
It feels like everything is annoying me today. I'm taking everything someone says to heart or the complete long way. Not to mention I'm starting to like someone and its been so long since I have I don't know what to do. I don't want to rush it and I don't want to come on too strong. So I feel like I am stuck in the middle of pretending I don't like them and lovey dovey talk. I HATE DATING. I want to skip through it all and find the ONE and live happily ever after. I'm so scared of being hurt, but at the same time I don't want to hold back how I feel. I'm trying to believe that everyone is nt alike and they are not allout to hurt me. I have this thing tho. Everytime a person I like says something I heard b4 that was bullshit, I replay that senario in my head. I have trust issues. I try to give everyone a chance, but this crap still runs through my head. Maybe I'm not ready for this just yet. I have been doing the single thing for a minute andI thought I was ready to get back out there. Now I want to run and hide b/c I gotta go through the B/S again.
Why does fat have such a bad stigma attached to it. Why is it that ppla re so interested in the FAT part of my name. IT doesn't matter that I'm sexy , its all about the fat. Why do you call urself that? You don't look fat is what they say. GREAAAAAAATTTTT I'm so happy I don't look that way to you. Prolly b/c I've lost a few pounds and things are melting away. I know that I am far from skinny, but maybe not so fat anymore. I hate using the word thick b/c it the wrong way. Why can't I just be me a person you find attractive and has a really cool personality. Why must I be defined by that. Its so funny when I meet ppl online and they come here then ask me are you fat. My respone is do I look fat. Beter yet do you like what you see. If you do then why the fuck do you care. So you guys be the judge. They are a bit blurry but you can still see my body type. What do you think?
I am doing some serious venting today. Thanks for listening.
Oh I almost forgot. Sasha called me again this weekend. She told me she did indeed go to jail for warrents and something else which she didn't get to tell me. I pretty sure what the otehr charge was. She also asked me to borrow $200. Of course I said no. I haven't called or went over there. I know she is bad for me and the Lord saved me once. Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. So I gotta say HOLLA to Sasha. Thats all for now ~Smooches~
Hello Fellow Bloggers
The Pic above is the view from my office. I love it. I am freezing my booty off and I think I'm getting a cold. Global Warming is really screwing over Texas and I'm sure some other places. Its usually hot as the devils ball down here, oh but no not today its is cold as hell instead.
Its a bit awkward around the office. I don't really know how to handle it or how it will play out, but yesterday we had a staff meeting. At the staff meeting my boss is telling me all the things he wants the guy here from out of town to train me on. Everything He wants me to learn this other lady in the office already does. I came in as a temp Receptionist almost a month ago. SO, as he is telling me what I am to learn the women burst in and says.
"You are teaching her everything I do. If she's going to do that what am I going to do. Am I getting fired?"
My boss says He wants everyone to be trained on the system and no she is not getting fired. He also says they were going to have a private meeting after this to discuss some other shit with her. So we all leave and I got to the back to her desk to get trained and she answers the phone. After the guy and I are done training for the day, I go back and tell her she can have her desk back b/c we are done for the day. Mind you she came back there and got all her paper work and such , but I'm thinking is b/c she needs all that shit to do her work in the front. The women tells me we don't need to switch back b/c IF she stays that the receptionist area will be her new desk. My mouth drops and I'm like are you serious. She's like yeah so you can just stay back there. I felt so bad b/c this women is really nice and she's been in this business for awhile I assume and they are just going to give me her job.
For the rest of the day I really didn't have anything to do so I asked her if she wanted me to answer the phones, so she could do her other work. She says it with a little attitude no I got it. I feel like she is being rude to me for something that has nothing to do with me. Her job is a lot of work and a good learning experience, but I didn't try to take it and didn't ask for it. I feel like its going to be hostile if I actually do get her job. Although my boss hasn't discussed me taking her job, but he has said he wants to hire me permanently. I thought it was for the receptionist job, which would have been great. So time will tell how all that is going to go down.
Last night Sasha called me. I deleted her # so I didn't know it was her calling. ( I don't memorize # I just add them to my celly). I answer and I hear her say hello, but she is breaking up. So she hangs up and calls back, but I still can't hear her. I guess she got out, but I don't know how. I really want to know what happen but I don't want to get caught up in her drama again. Its really hard to let go of someone I see as a friend, but on the other hand I don't really trust her. I can't/won't call her. I'm sure she will call me back. I'm also wondering if she found the whole incident suspicious. I mean the cop comes I suddenly leave and go home. I mean she aint dumb I know she peeped the cops, but I don't know. I thought this shit was over, but I fear this will not be the last time I hear from Sasha. That's all for now Peoples ~Smooches~
A messenger just came into my office and told me
" You should smile like that all the time. You have a smile that will light up a room"
That turned this shitty day upside down. I love when ppl do random acts of kindness sometimes ppl really need it. So I don't have much to say. Posted some pics of my new hair cut. I loooovvvvvvvveeeeeee it.
For some reason I couldn't let Sasha go that easily. I had to know if I was right and if The LAWD was speaking to me and saved me from a heap of trouble. So, I called her,anonymous of course. Her phone went str8 to voicemail. Sasha's phone never goes str8 to voicemail. So I called again and it did the same thing. That can only mean one thing. She is in jail. Sasha's phone is never off b/c thats her money. Thank the lawd for instincts and following them. I know for sure I would have been in jail right now. I on the other hand will never know if she planned to do me dirty. Maybe laterin life we will me again. If she got caught htat night she is going in for a while. Its really sad b/c she only started b/c her stupid boyfriend told her to hold down the fort while he sent to jail and like a dumb ass she did. I never got that part. She had a regular job and she didn't need to, but she did it for him. I hope I never have a love like that.
On another note WTF is going on with gas prices. I mean dang. I HATE BUSH. I cannot wait till election comes around. I'm so happy he can't run again. I mean who voted for this man. Now he says our troops will be there until his term is up and the next Presidnet will have to clean up his mess. SMH PPl PLEASE VOTE if only so gas can go back to normal. That's all for now HOLLA ~Smooches~