HEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLOOOOOOOO Errbody. Hope all is going well in the lives of all of you. Mine is stressful as usual. Work is kicking my ass and annoying the hell out of me at the same time. I really like this job. I like the opportunities it can provide. I like most of the ppl here as well. BUT. You know there is always a BUT.
These ppl have been in this business for years and I am wonder how the fuck they made it. For instance yesterday this women asked me HOW DO I GET TO THE INTERNET. I seriously thought she was joking so I asked "Are you serious?" She was like "Yeah, I don't know which one to push. Is it the button(she said button I did not, it should be icon) that says My Computer?" I can't stand a stupid person. This bitch annoys me daily. She is always talking to me or asking me so throwed off question. She hobbles around the office all day (she broke her foot or some shit) complaing about how much it hurts and how hard her job is and how she does not get paid enough. The women just annoys me so much. I feel like everything she ask me to do something she should know how to do or should be doing herself I get this attitude with her. Does this deter her from asking me shit. HELL no the next few minutes she back in my face telling me how she doesn't understand something. Its not just her though.
The marketing rep annoys me to. I showed her at least 5 times how to enter shit into the system. Every time she need something entered she still emails me. So, recently she emailed me the shit and had the nerve to put ASAP on it. She also didn't send enough information for me to enter the shit. I politely wrote step by step instructions for this Heffa and told her she need more information, I also told her to let me know if she had any questions. Tell me why I walk to the back where her desk is to scan something and she says "Hey SFC, I got your email, but did you enter it into the system?" Oh the things I wanted to say to this heffa but the Lord held my tongue. I replied no (thinking to myself this is a perfect opportunity for you to learn the shit yourself, so you can stop emailing me to do it). She then ask me "Well, are you going to?" I am screaming at the top of my lungs in my head. I respond sure BIOTCH.
On to the other person that is 2 seconds away from being cussed out is my BIG BOSS. I have created a nickname for him. It is rude so if your offended oh fucking well. It is Faggoty Douche bag or Faggoty Biotch. Yeah I confirmed he is definitely gay. Which I could care less about. He is just an asshole. I will ask him a question and its like he takes out parts of what I say and form a whole new question in his head and then answers that question. Unfortunately , that shit does not help me with what I am asking him. So I try to rephrase and ask again. He does the same shit over and this time makes it seem like I am wasting his time by asking twice. I just go and figure the shit out on my own. He also has little dick syndrome if you ask me. He walks around like he is the man barking orders an being rude to his staff, when in actuality without us he is nothing. His shit will not take place without our hard work. That really pisses me off. Recently he was saying that shit was backed up and in so many words it was my fault. He was siding with the customer instead of backing me. The President of our company came down from Philly to handle this shit. Oh Guess what? It was not my fucking fault (like I said), It was the customers staff that dropped the ball. I love being right, but did I get an apology, hell no.
In conclusion, I like this job. The pressure is great sometimes, but its also rewarding to see ppl walk out of my office smiling with the keys to their new house. The pay right now sucks, but in about a month (I hope) it will be VERY NICE. My boss's rudeness and the incompetence of the staff does annoy me. My immediate boss I adore. She is really down to earth and listen when I speak and ask her questions. I think the main reason why I haven't went off is her. She realizes my boss is an ass and usually shelter me as much as possible. I know that any job is better than no job, but I don't know if I can cut it. I mean this man is at the point of no return for me. He doesn't have many more passes before I blow up. So my question is How much money will you sacrifice for your Happiness?
Oh this is my baby(neice) Poppin Her Collar Uh Oh

I am sacrificing my happiness for way less than I'm worth. I know that much. I hate stupid people at work. I just want to hurt their asses. Seriously.
Feels like I'm getting paid good ass money to surf the internet all day. At first it was cool but I'm bored as hell. Definitely not happy.
LOL @ your niece poppin her collar, she is so cute...
These are all the reasons I hate corporate Amerikkka...
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