Since it is the 1 year mark of this National disaster I gotta talk about it since it effect my city the most with out ever hitting here. First let me ask the Lawd for forgiveness and ask him to send his blessings to all the TRULY HARDWORKING people that loss their entire lives that they worked so hard for. Also my heart goes out to ANYONE who lose someone in the tragedy. Yes, our government failed there own and it is truly sad and should have never happened.
As you all know and I'm sure saw at least one show about the aftermath and how things are shaping up in the NO. Well of course shit is still the same and Bush is still doing his thing in Iraq and saying Fuck Yall, I'm trying to get this OIL Money. on the radio today they were trying to get people to call in positive things that this distress has brought about a year later. Sadly all the people that called were mostly Houstonians b/c we gotta get up and go to work in the morning unlike other who sit on there ass all day. The consensus is Houston has truly been FUCK UP due to these people. I'm not saying all, b/c I have met and read about several who took this as a blessing to do something better or who actually trying to work and get their life back to whatever normalcy you can have after such a tragedy. It seems most of them don't want to do shit. How is it there you have been here for a year and you still have no job and living of of your FEMA shit and you it about to run out. Why is it that FEMA is so behind on paying the apartments in Houston that they cannot afford to make repairs. Word of mouth from one manger that FEMA just paid for July's rent. They also don't pay late fees. That means really nice apartments that let these people in b/c our government said "Oh we got them let the m in" are now struggling to keep tenants let alone the grounds up. So now I must suffer b/c you living for free and not trying to change it. Why is it that I am FOREVER hearing one of them same WE HATE HOUSTON WE WANT TO GO HOME. I Say KICK ROCKS HOE. If all you can do is complain and bitch about how bad you have it here go back to them broke down ass projects you came from. I just know if it was me and I can from living with nothing and they gave me a new start, I would be GRINDING and trying to get my life on track. Instead, I come home from working hard to see their ass sitting outside of the apartments steps talking shit and drinking. It angers me b/c I work hard and they don't do shit and get paid for it. I remember when this first happen people were giving them jobs over Houstonians b.c they wanted to help. I'm also pissed b/c SOME of them seem to think we are obligated to feel sorry for them and help them. Its like when you tell them they can't do or have something they wanna through KAtrina up in your face. My city took you in and did you right. We volunteered and gave up rooms our houses and now you wanna shit on us. Well fuck you too. I have no sympathy left in me for all the TRIFLING evac we have. Again I am not saying all but the a Freaking lot are taking advantage. They are getting use to using the system just like they did in the N.O. Fema has extended there 1 year rent free living until October. Every Time the deadline hit they get more time. They should really put stipulations on paying your rent. Like having a job would be a requirement for extended assistance. It is unbelievable how they are wasting money instead of actually helping people they are enabling them be to TRIFLING just like there were in the N.O. Then I heard on the news 1 out of 4 N.O students didn't pass. WTF yall teaching those kids down there. They are behind Houston and causing teachers to have to re-teach and slow lessons down to keep up. This whole thing is a mess. They need to get someone in charge of this that actually knows what they are doing b/c this shit is not workin. Just wait until all the FEMA aid stops and all they people get evicted. Then what. Where will they go and what will they do to survive. I mean since they came from the #1 murder capital what you think they gone do. Pray that's all I can do. ~Smooches~
ok why I know this couple who living in a nice townhouse, don't pay for shit, haven't worked since they got here, they stay fresh, riding around in a 03 lexus, the dude selling weed, and all they do is go out to dinner and drink Patron? WTF. Can I get a FEMA check please.
MY SENTIMENTS EXACTLY!!!!! If you they are in that big of a hurry to get back down there, then GO!! Goodbye. See ya, wouldn't want to be ya. Holla!!
These ho's won't even try help themselves and got everybody in the good ole USA feeling sorry for them.
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