Fuck Mexico
Hola fellow bloggers! This is my Cinco De Mayo tribute. Recently in Houston the ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS have decided to protest for legal citizenship. LMAO Let me repeat that ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS want legal citizenship. They have protested and blocked our freakin streets. I believe last Friday they all went on strike at their jobs for the day. All the Mexican restaurants were closed so it was a no taco day (Except Taco Bell he he). Anyway this whole thing boggles my mind. Do I think they should get FREE health care and other benefits that people that were born here can't even get. HELL NO. I think, If they don't like it here they should take there ass back home. WE already have an influx in population in Houston. As a matter of fact you damn near can't get a Job in Houston unless your Bi-Lingual. So, Hell naw I don't want them bastids here. Do you know why everyone must be BI-Lingual. B/C Bitches insist on calling places with that "Speaky Spanish" bullshit. Hell naw, I don't speak Spanish b/c I'm AMERICA and we speak English. If your are going to immigrate to a country at least attempt to learn the language. It's people that have been here for years that still don't know English. It is clear they are not trying to be productive and by making it a requirement for people to be Bi-Lingual in Spanish to get a job, is enabling them to stay that way. It didn't occur to me that in other states this is prolly not an issue. I mean, Texas being a border state we get the majority of them. Everyone of course doesn't agree with my opinion in fact one person told me I should relate b/c I am African American. BITCHHHHHHHHHH. First, My ancestors did not ask to come here, they were forced. Second, My ancestor built this freaking country. Without their hard work America would not exist. Then they have the nerve to get all hype for Cinco De Mayo. Its Fucking Mexico's INDEPENDENCE. They fought us b/c they were not down and wanted to be separate. SO, I say kick fucking rocks. You wanted to be INDEPENDENT so do ya thang. Don't be wadin through the water trying to get the benefits of America now that your shit has went sour. It's bad enough, we got the amount we do. Our city has been changed enough by the culture of Mexico. The problem is they Day Labors are getting sick of the little money they making now they wanna be like errbody else. That would not be a problem, if you were suppose to be here. You snuck here in some van or a boat, whateva. The other day a hood by my house had a shoot out b/t Coyotes (People who transport illegal aliens) over illegal immigrants they were hiding in an old boarded up house. America needs to be like New Zealand. You can visit all you want, but you can't come live there unless they need you. WE don't need all these no English speaking mofos fucking up job opportunities for Americans and spending our tax dollar on a issue that should be Mexico's. Yeah Yeah, I know America was built by immigrants from all over, so freakin what. We are built now. We don't need any more of yall up in here dang. Do you see gas prices, we don't have any money to share with any of yall mofo so MOVE AROUND THANKS. The really fucked up part is, everyone I work with is Mexican and I'm writing this at work LMAO. FUCK 'EM
Speaking of work. I am about to pull my hair out. These bitches are gettin more simple by the day. The slow heffa I talked about last post is still annoying me. I cannot wait until this bitch quits. She is forever complaining to me about her job. QUIT HOE. I don't care. I am almost to the point were I say STOP TALKING TO ME, I DON'T GIVE A SHIT. It would be ok maybe if she had something different to say , but she doesn't its the same shit every time. I have mastered the art of tuning her out. I now even have a "not interested" look on my face and continue to work without look at here whenever she talks. She still does not get the point. On thursday befor I left she told me how much she appreciates all my help. She also said that everyone we work with thinks she is slow, but she is not. Its really fucked up when everyone around yout hinks you are slow, but you can't seem to see why. This bitch is living in denial. Just in case she reads this YOU ARE SLOW. TAKE A FUCKING COMPUTER CLASS AND ESL BIOTCH. She is a prime example of what I am talking about above. This bitch has been her damn near since creation and still is struggling with english.
I have also Noticed I have a HUGE potty mouth. I can usually control myself at work and sometimes around my Mom. It has become so natural sometimes it slips. I think my new goal is to stop cussing. Which will be hard b/c I have road rage and I cuss at ppl everyday as I drive.
Speaking of driving. I think everyone shhould have to retake the test every few years b.c there is some bastids out there that do not need a license. Like Bitches(oops) ppl who brake while traffic is flowing at high speeds and NO ONE Is in front of them. I mean What the hezzy is wrong with you. I almost ramed you in the the ass loser. Thats all I got PPL ~Smooches~
It's about time somebody said something about these damn mexicans. Man I'm gone jump on the bandwagon, how the hell these folks gone be trying to get equal pay and benefits when they been over here working tax free. And another thing why the fuck can't they drive!
I understand us Americans saying they are over here not paying taxes and I don't believe they should be over here benefitting, but still illegal.
On the other hand, NAFTA has fucker over Mexico and everybody wants to get ahead in life, so why not come to America and live the "American Dream. It's really fucked up that they can get tax-I.D numbers, but NOT social security numbers. When they buy, they pay taxes...Again, they SHOULD be legal, but it's the government and big business profitting the most from illegals, but don't want to pay fairly.Maybe if the governemnt didn't start inviting mofos then deporting them, things might no be so hostile now...even with the borders being more "closed".
I agree with you so much...
Tear ya asses back across the border damnit...
Or better yet, if you want citizenship, tear ya ass over to Iraq and fight for this country and then you can be granted citizenship....
Shit, if all them mexicans go over there and fight, we can bring all the American troops home, my cousin included....
I don't live in the States, but this immigration issue has people heated. Are they really taking away jobs that anyone wants to do? I mean do black people really want to do that day labourer shit or sell oranges on the side of the road? I don't think so. The reason the American economy works is because of the underground, underpaid labour force made mostly of illegals. I am not saying they should be made citizens, but it's hypocritical to act like they aren't necessary.
hee-fukkin-larious!!! WHEW..I have never laughed so hard in my life.
We don't have a border issue in DC and yet and still them "Cucarachas" are everywhere. If it ain't them it's Davakahrm and da boys...I swear you can't even get a cup of coffee in Dunken Donuts without knowing a little arabic or something. And when did Mexican's buy the patent on pizza...can I get some fukkin italian pizza you bastards. I swear I tasted tamales and friggin beans on my pizza last week.
Whew...girl you was right on with this post!!! I'll definitely be back!
heck naw. this is what I'm talking about. I like your blog and I like how you express yourself. We should do lunch.
You've really gotta enable yourself and better yourself--try to learn the language. I remember going to Mexico and trying to ask for extra towels in the hotel. I HAD to figure out how to say it in Spanish. They weren't trying to hear me. You said she's been here since creation *lol*
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