9:10 AM

I'm all better noe lol. My leg is almost back to normal after a day off work lol. Nothing much going on except the usual. Oh I think I am addicted. I bought another one. Its cute and yes I am still turning heads lol. I'm swearing off sex for awhile (no not b/c of the leg) b/c the whole fuck buddy thing has never been my style. The more I do it(which isnt that often but its still good) the more I dont like the situation. I dont really trust the person I'm doing it with either. Sec is overrated most of the time and I always have myself. No one knows u like u know urself. So I am on break from sex. I have a full weekend planned and I cant wait until this week is over. Later ppl. ~Smooches~


Anonymous said...

I feel you on that. I am getting tired of the whole sex thing too. Even though it is on my mind alot lol... I do want to try and get some meaningful realtionship going on.. I am getting to old to just be screwing..

She W0rd Hustlez said...

Lol, glad your leg got better.