2:25 PM

I feel stuck. Stuck in a fucking routine. I go to work. I come Home. I watch TV/SMoke. Then I got To sleep. Same shit different day. I'm learning nothing new and it is annoying the fuck out of me. I feel stupid (which I know I'm not). How do ppl do this. THe same thing day in and day out. It feels like a waste of time. My job is boring as shit. I dont do anything. Everyone is like u got the best job ever. I on the other hand think it sucks. I mean I love getting paid to do nothing, but I would love to have something to do. I fear when I finally do I will be like WTF is this. I have a huge problem going out alone. If there is no one to come with me I usually just dont do it except for shopping I can do that shit with my eyes close. BORING is what my life has turned into. I'm kinda tired of the club seen. Is this what happens when u grow up. U become boring as hell and do nothing. I wanna be a kid again then. I feel like I'm watching my life happen b/c its too boring for me to be apart of. I keep thinking of all the things I use to do and why I dont do then now and I just dont know. I seem to think that everyone is on a different page or not on my level. THat could be true or maybe we are and I dont want to acknowledge that. I dont wanna be stuck doing this for the rest of my life. All the things I really wanted to do seem to have slipped away or I forgot. I think my life got so annoying after I left my apartment and started this job. Nothing seems the same anymore. I also think everyone has turned into fucking idiots. I mean i'm surrounded by them all day at work. THey ask me stupid ass questions. Oh and when did the DMV start handing out licenses to every dumb ass in town. I swear one day rode rage is gonna get the best of me. I feel ppl get on the road just to annoy me. Why the fuck would u in front of me going 40 when i'm going 70. Why would you get in the fast lane going 45. Why do ppl brake when there is NO ONE in front of them. I mean this crap annoys me to know end. Oh and why is dumb ppl think they know everything. HOw is it possible for you to talk complete nonsense and not know it and on top of it all you wont let anyone get a word in b.c u think u r right. NEWS FLASH YOU ARE WRONG BISH. UGHHHHHHHH. Stupidity is the worst. AWww I feel better now. ~Smooches~


..Sue...Zette... said...

I love this blog!!

She W0rd Hustlez said...

I think this feeling can be declared as the "I'm trully an adult now" feeling. I as well as many other people I know went through this stage in life. You outgrow all those "fun" yet stupid things you use to do with your friends and it seems as your life is at a stand still. Your routine is the same thing over and over seems like. I think I'm finally getting out of this feeling and embracing my adulthood.