3:55 PM

How rude of my job to make me do work today lol. I had a great weekend. I spent way too much money but it was fun. I talk to Justin. He is the only guy that I can tolerated and have a REAL convo with. WE have been friends for about 5 or so years now. He would be my man if he wasnt on this I want to be single kick. One day maybe, but if not that still cool . He is a really good person to talk to. He always have me laughing with his stories. I went to boring ass Sherlocks (a pub in houston) on Saturday. It really sucked, mostly b/c it was a goodbye party for someone who couldnt get in b/c he left his license. Then is was raining like crazy. I got my hair wet, well not my hair and that why I was prolly(really annoying). My wig is too cute to be damaged by rain lol. I was talking to my sister about my dad. I realized that I really dont know the man that well. I 've heard horrible stories about him since I was like 8. I mean I've met himand know where he at and shit, but I dont know him. Prolly b/c I dont want to. All he ever did for me was tell me lies. He beat the shit outta my mom. No one has ever really went into details so I dont know the whole storey. I dont know if I ever will. I just think there is something everyone is not telling me. I cant imagine it getting any worse then what I have already heard. The more I think about it the more I commend my mother. She went through that shit with both me and my sister's father. I cant imagine that it was like. I pray I will never experiences b/c I will be under the jail. I wish a MF would hit me. The only outcome is death for him. Anyways I have never been a big Tupac fan, but I saw the whole documentary this weekend. Powerful man. I am so sure the goverment killed him. He was talking about standing up and taking action in out black communities. Now you know they cant have that. If black ppl start coming together. They wont know what to do. We have so much potential, that we are wasting. Its sad b/c If he were here now I think the world would be a little different. I like this quote I heard in the movie, something like "I may not change the world, but I will spark the mind that will." I saw this chick I went to high school with. She was like OMG u look so differnt. I dont think I do tho. I know my self esteem has changed and now maybe I carry myself accordingly. WEll thats all Folks ~Smooches~


..Sue...Zette... said...

Girl not the wig....damn and it was nice.