12:34 PM

Fed Up

I'm going through the motions
But I'm not really here
I want to say some shit
But Do I really care
I'm Tired
Thats what I am
Why fight for something
That doesn't want to be here
Playing these head games
Its a damn shame
You can't man up
You know STand up
Tell me how you really feel
YOur lies was not part of our deal
How hard is it
To just let go
To let me move on
But no
You lead me on
Feed me lies
To keep me warm
When all I want is the Honest you
Truth will suffice
We aint gotta fuss and fight
If you dont want me
Then dont talk to me
THis shit is elementry
What I have to go through with you
To tell the fucking truth
Its cool
I'm through

I havent written in awhile. I think this one sucks but it will grow on me. I'm fed up as u can tell. I'm almost at the point where I dont trust anyone. I'm so tired of playing the high school ass games. When will people learn u cant have ur cake and it it too. I'm not gonna sit around and wait for you to be a man. Fuck that. Like I said I f you dont want me then dont talk to me. I think people in general think fat chicks gotta settle just b/c they the fat chick. ~News Flash Fukkas~ I aint gotta settle for shit. I'm too cute for all this drama. I'm not gonna cry or stalk ur ass. I'm gonna move the fuck on. Its funny but everyone who ever dogged me has come to regret it. Everyone who wanted to see me cry or lose the confidence I have has failled. YOU CANT SHAKE ME. I love me. Its that so hard for ppl to believe. Have u seen the pic lol. J/k i'm not that bad. AnywayZ I went out with a few friends last night. I got to get my laugh on which felt good. Smoked and had a few drinks. Yes i'm a smoka and I dont me Cigs lol. I miss my friends which is funny b/c they are always a call away. I feel like there is not point in calling no more. Same shit different day and my phones do accept incoming calls. I never understand ppl that be like "you cant call nobody" but hey never call u either. I need to meet some new ppl. Learn some new POV. SO if anyone is in Houston hit me up lol. Oh I need a name for the poem any suggestions ~Smooches~


Anonymous said...

Girl you and me both.. You read my blog.. It seems that my friends are all into the settling down have a family stage. I am not going to do that anytime soon. Just cause me and my man just broke up. I ask them hey let's hang out.. They are like uhhhhh no I aint feeling it. Also none of them call me either. I am the one always doing the calling. I dont know what name to give the poem. I will read it again to see what I can suggest.

Anonymous said...

Well since this sounds like me and coop's relationship.. LOL

We can name it the the poem, "Free Me".

She W0rd Hustlez said...

Interesting post. You're a bad female...