4:45 PM

The boobs Trouble or maybe not

What It Do blog land? People in Houston say What it do. I Freakin hate this question if you can call it that. It means like how's it going, but you sound really dumb saying it. Anywho, Life is grand, well mostly. This week I have yet another story to tell about yet another trifflin Houston man. I had to make sure it was safe before I posted lol.

So Last Saturday, I volunteer to go to Sonic (Burger Place) to get my fam dessert. Its like a drive up place and it has a little drive through boxes at each parking spot to order from. So I am sitting in my car when one of the waiters pass by. He is staring at like he lost his mind. So I stare back of course. He passes by my car and flirts. The guy seemed really nice and he looked aight and he has a job. In Houston, that is hard to find. So he comes back and brings me my food. He makes more convo and casually ask for my #. I usually ask for there # and choose to call or not. He keeps asking me when I'm going to call and if i actually will. My response was maybe. So I give him my phone so he can input my number. I turn to arrange my food in the car safetly as he is doing this. I don't know if dudes do this errwhere, but in Houston dudes sometimes try to pull what I like to call a STUNT. When ask them to give there # instead of you giving yours, they input the number and them call themselves in order to get your #. I HATE THIS SHIT. I usually don't even let ppl input the # themselves anymore. I usually do it for them. WEll, this dude caught me slippin. I mean why would you do this shit. It makes you look desperate and it annoys the shit out of me. Also even if you do call A. doesn't mean I will answer and B. if I do it will probably never get answered again b/c I know I did not give you my #. Anyway all this goes down unknown to me at the time. I leave Sonic and I get home and about 20 minutes later I get a phone call from an unknown #. I answer and he's like

"Whats up, you was not going to call me were you?" I'm thinking this is some
dude I gave my # to a while back maybe. SO I'm like
"Maybe I've been busy." Odviously I wasn't too convincing b/c he
"You don't even know who this is, do you? This is Craig." So Now
I'm like WTF how the hell did he get my #. Then it hits me HE has pulled a
STUNT. So yes now I am annoyed, but I'm not cold hearted so I contiune our
convo, while contemplating if I'm ever going to speak to him or better yet block
his shit.
So I start asking the regular get to know you questions. First
question I ask
"Do you live alone?"There is a long silenece and he begins to give his
"Well, right now I'm living at this half way house for 8 months them I'm
going to get my own place." WTH a half way house is a place that people stay
when getting out of jail on a major charge or rehad. SO my next question is
of course
"WHY?" The answer was not what I expected to hear
"Well when I was like 1 y/o my mom go murdered by this dude. He
claimed he was crazy and he got off. When I got old enough, I murdered

I'm speechless. I mean I am so sure I've dated ppl that did dirt, maybe even killed ppl, but the difference is I did not know anything about that shit. Even worse he is fresh out of jail, I'm not fucking with it. This was a little too much info too soon for me. I am instantly uncomfortable and tell him I need to go. This dude proceeds to call me no less hten 8-11 more times that day. I didn't answer. I then become heavly concerned for my life. Yes I am meladramatic. So, I tell my sister and she laughs for a good minute and then tells me to tell him I'm not interested. I am afraid to do it. So the next day rolls around and dude is still calling me a lot. So then he text messages me and says. I probabaly don't want to talk to him b/c He works at SONIC. I'm think DUDE that don't mean shit to me. So I text him back and tell him it is his past that bothers me and I don't think I can fuck with him on any level. The calls stopped and I haven't talk to him since. Moral: Never let anyone input a # into ya phone b/c it could very well be a murder ur talking too. SMH thats a damn shame when you gotta learn lessons like that. Also the biggest down side is I LOVE THAT FREAKIN SONIC and not I can't eat at that location any more. DAMMMMMITT!!!

Oh and the shit stil does not stop. I met another dude. NOt like that he was a cop and he was pulling me over at the time. I was parked at a gas station. NOw that the INVADERS have came my street is Hot (The block is hot he he) anyway dude pulls me over. He comes up to my window and ask

"Do you know why I am stopping you?" Of course I reply NO and give a confused look. In actuallity I am fully aware of this said warrent, but you know how u get caught up with other shit and thats what had happen. So he tells me
"Come back to my car and look at my computer screen ." I walk back and he sits down in his car and I lean over to look at the computer. Mind you (hence the pic) I have ample boobage and when I usually were low cut shirts, so when I bent over to look he had a great view. So after I look at it and confirm it is me he says (while looking at my boobs not my face)
"You know if this warrent comes back valid, I will have to take you to jail."I tell him I understand and he allows me to go back to my car and arrange for someone to go come get it my car ( which was nice b/c they usually dont let u do that). Well, I am shaking in my freakin boots. I have never been to jail and I don't ever want to go. All the jail movies are playing through my head. He walks back to the car and smiles and says
"Today is your lucky day, the warrent was came back invalid, you should call and get it removed from ur record."

I drive off knowing this man is liked the view or the county has fucked up. I call the next day and sure enough I am now sure My boobs will take over the world. I still have a freakin warrent.

Thats all I got for now ppl. HOLLA ~Smooches~

P.S. My work computer suxs so I will post pics later HOLLA

1:25 PM

When You Tell a Lie...

Hey Peoples, Hope Errbody is Great. Today someone I am feeling on a more than friends level LIED. It wasn't a big lie, it was kinda like a half lie. When I first started talking to this person they told me they had a car, but couldn't drive it b/c the tires where really bad. Although far fetched or maybe true, I had no reason not to believe them so I took it as fact. This person also told me they where saving up for the special tires that the car needed b/c of the rims. *SIGH* Today this person told me they went really early this morning to wash THE CAR. They went on and on about the hassle it was. At the end I am thinking WTF, although this person did say they drove THEIR car around town sometimes. I am thinking why the hell wash a car you rarely drive. Most of the time, when I talk to this person they are driving one of their parents car's. So I ask the question ,that I already have a feeling what the answer will be. I ask

"Who's car are you getting washed?"

The person replies. "My mom's car. I don't have a car, but if I were to go somewhere it would be in this car. I pay for everything for it except the car note and she is deciding if she is going to give it to me or get me a
new one."

This person then goes on with another subject like nothing happen. I eventually get off the phone and ponder why they would lie. I mean the person is a full time college student so I don't expect them to have all the things a working adult would. It really sucks b/c I don't like this person b/c of what they have, but for the conversations we have and the way we vibe. I also like this person b/c they are furthering their education and are following their dreams. I have an issue with lying. I usual don't. I know the consequences of it and if I'm feeling someone, I come clean or just don't do it from the beginning. This makes me see this person differently. I don't see them as honest. I mean this is not a big deal, but it makes me wonder why you would lie over something so petty. Something that doesn't really matter and you could have told the truth about. It makes me wonder what else will they lie about. What else HAVE they lied about. We are not together, but I don't know if I want to be with someone that is a liar. What I really need to now is, If I am blowing the out of proportion? AM I TRIPPIN.? It just seems like an unnecessary lie to me. Once I find out about one lie my mind starts running through all the other bullshit I thought was a lie, but believed b/c I didn't have a reason not to.

On another note. After watching an episode of College Hill (there was limited entertainment on TV that day) I am scared as hell to have sex. I mean I knew AIDS statistics where staggering, but not this damn bad.

  • Of the estimated 145 infants perinatally infected with HIV, 105 (73%) were African American
  • Of the estimated 18,849 people under the age of 25 whose diagnosis of HIV/AIDS in the 33 states with HIV reporting, 11,554 (61%) were African American.
  • Since the beginning of the epidemic, African Americans have accounted for 379,278 (40%) of the estimated 944,306 AIDS cases diagnosed

WAKE UP!!!!!!

That is a damn shame. That means 6% of us have HIV. That is horrifying for a single black women in America today. I mean I have to go out a choose a mate and hope that I don't fall in love with someone that is positive. (Sidebar OFFICIALLY no sex without me seeing your test result and of course a condom is always required. NO TEST NO SEX HOMIE) I mean I know there are tons of drugs to help you live with it now, but why would you want to. Think of all the everyday complications you may have to go through just b/c you have it. I know someone who found out they were HIV positive. It then hit home for me. I knew it happen to tons of people, but never someone I knew. It made it more really for me I guess. The truth is we are killing ourselves. How hard is it to use a condom and most importantly GET TESTED. Only we can slow this down and at least try to stop the spread.

I didn't intend to write about the two together, but it makes sense. People that know and don't know lie about things like this. It hurts people everyday. I am sure if someone knew they where having intercourse with someone who had it they MAY have second thought. IT is a choice and everyone should be given the choice to choose if they want to go down that road. That little lie I talked about about could lead to huge lies like this. Don't get me wrong this is not the major reason I think that about lying, but it is definitely a good FUCKIN point. Enjoy your weekend peeps. *Holla* ~Smooches~

1:35 PM

Cinco De Mayo Tribute and Other Misc. Shit I Wanna Say

Fuck Mexico

Hola fellow bloggers! This is my Cinco De Mayo tribute. Recently in Houston the ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS have decided to protest for legal citizenship. LMAO Let me repeat that ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS want legal citizenship. They have protested and blocked our freakin streets. I believe last Friday they all went on strike at their jobs for the day. All the Mexican restaurants were closed so it was a no taco day (Except Taco Bell he he). Anyway this whole thing boggles my mind. Do I think they should get FREE health care and other benefits that people that were born here can't even get. HELL NO. I think, If they don't like it here they should take there ass back home. WE already have an influx in population in Houston. As a matter of fact you damn near can't get a Job in Houston unless your Bi-Lingual. So, Hell naw I don't want them bastids here. Do you know why everyone must be BI-Lingual. B/C Bitches insist on calling places with that "Speaky Spanish" bullshit. Hell naw, I don't speak Spanish b/c I'm AMERICA and we speak English. If your are going to immigrate to a country at least attempt to learn the language. It's people that have been here for years that still don't know English. It is clear they are not trying to be productive and by making it a requirement for people to be Bi-Lingual in Spanish to get a job, is enabling them to stay that way. It didn't occur to me that in other states this is prolly not an issue. I mean, Texas being a border state we get the majority of them. Everyone of course doesn't agree with my opinion in fact one person told me I should relate b/c I am African American. BITCHHHHHHHHHH. First, My ancestors did not ask to come here, they were forced. Second, My ancestor built this freaking country. Without their hard work America would not exist. Then they have the nerve to get all hype for Cinco De Mayo. Its Fucking Mexico's INDEPENDENCE. They fought us b/c they were not down and wanted to be separate. SO, I say kick fucking rocks. You wanted to be INDEPENDENT so do ya thang. Don't be wadin through the water trying to get the benefits of America now that your shit has went sour. It's bad enough, we got the amount we do. Our city has been changed enough by the culture of Mexico. The problem is they Day Labors are getting sick of the little money they making now they wanna be like errbody else. That would not be a problem, if you were suppose to be here. You snuck here in some van or a boat, whateva. The other day a hood by my house had a shoot out b/t Coyotes (People who transport illegal aliens) over illegal immigrants they were hiding in an old boarded up house. America needs to be like New Zealand. You can visit all you want, but you can't come live there unless they need you. WE don't need all these no English speaking mofos fucking up job opportunities for Americans and spending our tax dollar on a issue that should be Mexico's. Yeah Yeah, I know America was built by immigrants from all over, so freakin what. We are built now. We don't need any more of yall up in here dang. Do you see gas prices, we don't have any money to share with any of yall mofo so MOVE AROUND THANKS. The really fucked up part is, everyone I work with is Mexican and I'm writing this at work LMAO. FUCK 'EM
Speaking of work. I am about to pull my hair out. These bitches are gettin more simple by the day. The slow heffa I talked about last post is still annoying me. I cannot wait until this bitch quits. She is forever complaining to me about her job. QUIT HOE. I don't care. I am almost to the point were I say STOP TALKING TO ME, I DON'T GIVE A SHIT. It would be ok maybe if she had something different to say , but she doesn't its the same shit every time. I have mastered the art of tuning her out. I now even have a "not interested" look on my face and continue to work without look at here whenever she talks. She still does not get the point. On thursday befor I left she told me how much she appreciates all my help. She also said that everyone we work with thinks she is slow, but she is not. Its really fucked up when everyone around yout hinks you are slow, but you can't seem to see why. This bitch is living in denial. Just in case she reads this YOU ARE SLOW. TAKE A FUCKING COMPUTER CLASS AND ESL BIOTCH. She is a prime example of what I am talking about above. This bitch has been her damn near since creation and still is struggling with english.
I have also Noticed I have a HUGE potty mouth. I can usually control myself at work and sometimes around my Mom. It has become so natural sometimes it slips. I think my new goal is to stop cussing. Which will be hard b/c I have road rage and I cuss at ppl everyday as I drive.
Speaking of driving. I think everyone shhould have to retake the test every few years b.c there is some bastids out there that do not need a license. Like Bitches(oops) ppl who brake while traffic is flowing at high speeds and NO ONE Is in front of them. I mean What the hezzy is wrong with you. I almost ramed you in the the ass loser. Thats all I got PPL ~Smooches~