IF this BITCH tells me the same shit multiple times, one more time we are going to throw down in this office. Yeah, I'm back to down time a work so I can write a little something something. Same bitch getting on my nerves. I HATE STUPID PPL. We should rid the earth of them. They are a waste of space.
Last weekend was one of Houston's big events. Its called The Beach Party (Formally known as Kappa Beach Party which is what everyone still calls it anyway). The Kappa organization didn't want this freak show to be named after them anymore haha. SO, although I did not attend the actually beach festivities in G-Town (Galveston, TX), I did attend the Farewell Block party on That Wonderful MLK(Martin Luther King, St. Dr whateva, I know every city has an MLK). As people are coming back home they go down MLK and floss. IT was my first time going. Surprisingly I had a great time. I hate Houston usually, but this event made me embrace my southern roots. Only in TX will you see Candy cars and Fifth Wheels. It was cool to be around ya ppl without any violence or Bullshit.
On a whole other note. I went to the festivities with my Girl Trish. We met at a job I use to work at and became cool. She is a white girl. It seems once White chicks that date Black dudes find out my sister is married to a white dude they automatically think I'm cool. Its so hard for me to comprehend, but it has happen more than once. Anyway the Block party was on her side of town so I went with her and her other WHITE friends. I knew I was in for "Hey Snowbunnies" all day, but I don't trip ppl are ppl. IF you cool, I'm cool witcha. Any Who, to make this long story short. The bitches had some hostility for black women, which was easily sensed. I have never understood how you can date black men, but talk down on black women, Who in the hell you think gave you the black man. IT boggles my mind. One huge reason I could tell they talked about black women is her child. He refused to sit in the back of the SURBURBAN with me and my friends Trish. HE had a screaming fit. He wasn't afraid of Trish, but he refused to sit by me. I know children are shy sometime, but its like that little boy has been taught some shit. THe worst part is he is half black. I don't know WTF they thinking, but why would you put that in his head. WE are where he came from. Then there little comments about the common hoes walking around the block party. I mean you just get a feeling when shit is not meant in a certain way. Anyway both of them were what we in Houston call BOPPERS. This heffa had the nerve to say OMG he ugly, but I don't want to fuck him anyway, I want to fuck his car. She meant it and didn't flinch or laugh after saying it. Maybe its just me, but everybody knows the REAL rich man drives a maxima and is saving his shit up. The one flossing in the new car is usually the one struggling on the low low. Anyway they are the perfect example of why I don't have many females friends. Women can be very STUPID sometimes and that's some shit I can't deal with.
It's so sad that I've been writing this same post since last weekend and I am now finishing it today. So, this weekend, was extra mellow. I didn't do to much. I did see the results of putting a bug in someone's ear. The best time is when there high or intoxicated. MY girl Trish was high and we were chit chattin. She has a major prob. A TRIFFLING man. Dude is 32 Y/O with no job and not looking. They are struggling big time. She has been hitting me up for loans quite frequently. Personally if we are cool, I don't have a problem helping you out, especially if you are trying to help yourself. I can no longer under help her. Its not my business what or why you and your man are still together, but I'm not going to give you money that he is going to use and he is not doing shit. SO, on Saturday she did the greatest thing ever. She ask me what I thought about her situation ~SMILE~ I had been waiting on this invite in. Usually I just give my opinion anyway, but we are not that cool yet so I waited to be invited, I told her str8 up...You can do bad by yourself, tell that dude get on his grind or kick rocks. With a little more added to that. The bug was planted. Trish got some balls that night and started talking to that dude crazy. She is finally starting to see the light. The problem is the boyfriend of course knows who put that bug in her ear. He knows he trifling and I guess b/c we are both black I am suppose to not tell the poor girl that she is looking quite foolish. WRONG. I hope she leaves his broke ass. She can do so much better on her own. Having a partner that doesn't work it like having a grown ass child.
This weekend I also realized, that even tho I miss certain friends, I am doing so much better without them. Without the constant drama I had to go through or the Bullshit they always carried with them. I still love them do death, but I think our deep friend time has passed and there is no going back. I also realized that I have been thinking about Sasha a lot. I haven't called or made any other contact, but I miss her. I miss hanging out, then I think about what she was trying to do to me and I wonder why. If we were as cool as I thought, why would she do that to me. I guess its hard to believe someone you thought was cool would do that to you. I guess I have more trust and hope in ppl. I also noticed that the whole incident has made me paranoid. If some ppl come around, I don't know and they look suspect. I bounce in a heart beat. Its like its all in the back of my head and I don't really trust ppl anymore. I mean I've had other friends that did dirt, but not for one minute do I believe they would sell me out knowing I had nothing to do with it. Everything in me tells me never to talk to Sasha again, which I won't, but I know one day I am bound to see her. I wonder to myself what will I see in her eyes, or what will she say to me, does she even know that I know what she was trying to do. I have mad issues on letting shit go unresolved. It makes it very hard for me to letit rest, even though I know I should. Probably why curiosity killed the cat, oh but the satisfaction brought it back.I dunno fuck it. That's all I got for ya ~Smooches~
P.S I'll post pics later. My computer at work is janky. Oh and just now the dumb heffa I was talking about at the beginning of the post, calls me to the back of the office and asks me why can't she send an emaill. SO She's like watch. So I watch her begin typing in the email address. This Dumb heffa is typing in (www.whateva.com) I'm like fool that is a web site not an emial address. She's like ohhhh that's why it wouldn't work. This is the incompetence I have to deal with. These bastid need to show me the MONEY and soon.
All About the Life On Me A Sexy Fat Chick In A Skinny Bitch World. Enjoy
How Much MONEY will cause you to sacrifice your HAPPINESS
Posted by Chronicles Of The Sexy Fat Chick
HEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLOOOOOOOO Errbody. Hope all is going well in the lives of all of you. Mine is stressful as usual. Work is kicking my ass and annoying the hell out of me at the same time. I really like this job. I like the opportunities it can provide. I like most of the ppl here as well. BUT. You know there is always a BUT.
These ppl have been in this business for years and I am wonder how the fuck they made it. For instance yesterday this women asked me HOW DO I GET TO THE INTERNET. I seriously thought she was joking so I asked "Are you serious?" She was like "Yeah, I don't know which one to push. Is it the button(she said button I did not, it should be icon) that says My Computer?" I can't stand a stupid person. This bitch annoys me daily. She is always talking to me or asking me so throwed off question. She hobbles around the office all day (she broke her foot or some shit) complaing about how much it hurts and how hard her job is and how she does not get paid enough. The women just annoys me so much. I feel like everything she ask me to do something she should know how to do or should be doing herself I get this attitude with her. Does this deter her from asking me shit. HELL no the next few minutes she back in my face telling me how she doesn't understand something. Its not just her though.
The marketing rep annoys me to. I showed her at least 5 times how to enter shit into the system. Every time she need something entered she still emails me. So, recently she emailed me the shit and had the nerve to put ASAP on it. She also didn't send enough information for me to enter the shit. I politely wrote step by step instructions for this Heffa and told her she need more information, I also told her to let me know if she had any questions. Tell me why I walk to the back where her desk is to scan something and she says "Hey SFC, I got your email, but did you enter it into the system?" Oh the things I wanted to say to this heffa but the Lord held my tongue. I replied no (thinking to myself this is a perfect opportunity for you to learn the shit yourself, so you can stop emailing me to do it). She then ask me "Well, are you going to?" I am screaming at the top of my lungs in my head. I respond sure BIOTCH.
On to the other person that is 2 seconds away from being cussed out is my BIG BOSS. I have created a nickname for him. It is rude so if your offended oh fucking well. It is Faggoty Douche bag or Faggoty Biotch. Yeah I confirmed he is definitely gay. Which I could care less about. He is just an asshole. I will ask him a question and its like he takes out parts of what I say and form a whole new question in his head and then answers that question. Unfortunately , that shit does not help me with what I am asking him. So I try to rephrase and ask again. He does the same shit over and this time makes it seem like I am wasting his time by asking twice. I just go and figure the shit out on my own. He also has little dick syndrome if you ask me. He walks around like he is the man barking orders an being rude to his staff, when in actuality without us he is nothing. His shit will not take place without our hard work. That really pisses me off. Recently he was saying that shit was backed up and in so many words it was my fault. He was siding with the customer instead of backing me. The President of our company came down from Philly to handle this shit. Oh Guess what? It was not my fucking fault (like I said), It was the customers staff that dropped the ball. I love being right, but did I get an apology, hell no.
In conclusion, I like this job. The pressure is great sometimes, but its also rewarding to see ppl walk out of my office smiling with the keys to their new house. The pay right now sucks, but in about a month (I hope) it will be VERY NICE. My boss's rudeness and the incompetence of the staff does annoy me. My immediate boss I adore. She is really down to earth and listen when I speak and ask her questions. I think the main reason why I haven't went off is her. She realizes my boss is an ass and usually shelter me as much as possible. I know that any job is better than no job, but I don't know if I can cut it. I mean this man is at the point of no return for me. He doesn't have many more passes before I blow up. So my question is How much money will you sacrifice for your Happiness?
Oh this is my baby(neice) Poppin Her Collar Uh Oh

Posted by Chronicles Of The Sexy Fat ChickIts kinda fucked up, but I feel like I always say what I mean here no matter how it sounds. I do that b/c this is my shit. So, with that said... I don't feel like writing. I feel my mind is so busy thinking of all the shit I should be doing. I feel like I rest but my mind doesn't. I'm always thinking of how I can do something. I am so determined to make the best of my good fortune. I have the opputrunity and I won't fail.
So since I'm feeling hella lazy...Here is a synopsis of what been happen.
I am working my ass off for my new employer. I hope all this hard work will payoff. I am so proud of myself b/c I'm doing my thing. Unfortunately, I am tired as hell and the weekend never seems to be long enough.
My B-day was April 8th. I feel old. I'm not old, but I feel older. This bartender gave me some concoction for my birth day. Let's just say it went down as easy as it came up...All over the bar LOL. It was too much for my stomach to handle. Oh well.
I had blonde highlights for about 4 days. I went to get my hair hightlighted for my birth day. I wanted lightbrown. They came out damn near platinum blonde. Luckily, they have been dyed darker and now they are very cute :)
Some people (I'm not naming any names, but you know who you are) seem to think I am conceited. This came as a shock to me. Although I feel I love my self...A lot. I am in no way a conceited bitch. I love me b/c for a long time I didn't and now I have to make up for it. Whateva, I am me...Hate it or Love it.
I saw this documentary on HBO called "Cutting Edge." It is a really nice documentary about a barber shop. They said something in it that really made me think. One guy said.
"All men CHEAT. If they don't CHEAT, they're GAY"
That fucking sucks. Is that all you have to look forward to. I personally think they should of kept that shit to themselves. If that's the best you can hope for out of a man. Fuck it. What's the point. Its a good point too. I mean I know a lot of gay guys. I have seen the "downlow guy" for myself. It's a fucking shame. I don't give a shit either way, but at least be real about it. Don't lie and fuck up the other person's life.
I'm fucking sick of being single. Its like the plague. I want a mate. I don't want a half ass mate, so Its gonna take a little longer than I thought. People or so full of shit these day
is sad. For example. I met this dude the other night. He decided to be str8 up and tell me how much of a hoe he was in so many way. He said he had 3 kids and lived with the babies mama. Oh, but wait... He didn't love her no more and he was only staying for they kids.
Why stay in a hostile environment for the kids?
I'm not going to leave her until she gets on her feet. I'm going to wait
until she finishes school.
I put on the "that so sweet face" (thinking yeah freaking Right).
Well how long are you gonna wait?
Oh, I'm not in a hurry.
Conclusion. He live with his baby's mama, but he fucks around on the side. He fucks around on at least a weekly basis. For some reason that night I had DUMMY written on my forehead and he thought I was going to go for that shit. SMH. Oh and once he found out it was not going down... I'm stuck up and uppity. FUCK U! My pussy gets given when I want it to and if you don't like don't fuck with me... HOLLA
Why the hell did I see Mike Jones on this corny ass show on MTV called "Yo Mamma." People come on and do the dozens and the best person wins, of course they have a yo mamma joke portion. Well, it was the finals and Mike Jones was on as a celebrity judge. One of the contestants kept REPEATING shit he said in previous battles. Wilmar (from That 70s show, who is also a host) said the other contestant should win b/c her material was not reused and fresh. Mike Jones had the fucking nerve to say "Yeah, that's true... You can't repeat yourself over and over and use the SAME material to win." WWWWWWWWWTTTTTTTTTTTTTTFFFFFFFFFFFFF. Mike Jones entire career is based on repeating the same shit over and over. Example "Who? Mike Jones." Not to mention, all of you non-Houstonians, Mike Jones have had the same wack ass lyrics since he was on the "BeforeThe Kappa" tapes. He's been saying the same shit for year. OMG I almost had a heart attack when he was telling this dude all the shit he needs to tell himself.
Jade is a spawn of Satan and needs to be destroyed.
OMG I almost forgot about one of the funniest things that happen to me. My "Go Out Crew" and I went out the other night and it was one of their birthdays. My homegirl was only turing 20 , but she was drinking like it was her 21st. She gets so fucked up. She is dancing all outta control and then she falls. I'm like oh hell no. It is time to go. So I tell her this and she is like NO, I want to stay. So we argue for like 5 minutes. Its like 5 of us. 4 are trying to convince her it is time to go, while she continues to dance and such. So finally one of the other chicks in the crew is like Fuck this. She puts this girl in a headlock of sorts. You know how police officers put you hands behind your head and hold you in that position. Well we are walking out of the club with the girl in this hold. People are looking at us like WTF is going on. I am crying laughing as we walk out of the club. Then the police start running our way. They think the two are fighting. We have to explain we are trying to get her home and they finally let us proceed to the door. We finally get outside where the drunk girl decided to meet a dude. He is helping walk her drunk as to the car. We are right behind the car when this happens.
Her drunk ass falls and some how lands underneath the car. I am almost rolling on the ground laughing at her ass. Oh and the night does not stop there. Later she falls down peeping outside b/c we can't find a bathroom. She pretty much pees on herself. Mind you I am still laughing. This was by far one of the funniest night outs I have had in a while.
*I think that is all for now ppl. Hopefully his week won't be so hectic at work and I can write. Smooches (Gotta Love Me)