3:10 PM

Poetry Corner

If you didnt know, I write spoken word. I'm too big of a scarey cat to preform it. Check me out and let me know what you think ~Smooches~ Oh and there is a regular post below :)~

Your love is blinding
Only allowing me to see you
Your aura is consuming
Oh How you take over me
And make me feel safe
I'm at peace with this
Our union
The most beautiful thing I know
It must be heaven sent
Oh how I miss ya scent
The words don't come out right
I'm tipsy from your love
I'm under your spell
You are the truth
Never leading me astray
Your love shines down on me
Like sun rays
YOu help me grow
YOu are my ray of hope
THat true love still exist
And it lives in our love
You give me joy
That cannot be measured
Baby, If you dont inhale
I can't exhale
You breath life into me
You and I I were pre-determined
Written in the Stars
For others to gaze upon in awe
How is it possible to be
So into you
But never stop being me
You are my destiny


D- said...

Your poem is beautiful! Thanks for stopping by my spot, and I have got to get me one of those Confident Fat Bitch t-shirts, too. I luv it!

*LadieFire* said...

Girl! This a new year, so it's time to do new things! You should DEFIITELY pop in on an open mic night and read your stuff out loud. Trust me, it's liberating. You do it enough times and you'll get used to the intoxicating rush of performing your own work. I like this piece. I like it a lot.