I just wanted to thank all the ppl that visit my site. Feed back on ya life is nice sometimes. I was thinking today of what I really want our of a mate. I dont fee like I'm that picky really. I recently met someone that is not really my usual type, but I'm attracted to the person. The personality seems nice and the person is intelligent (thats a must). I hate when ppl say they dont have a type. Everyone has a type. I mean if there is no physical attraction then whats the point. Why would I want to be with someone who doesnt find me sexy. I mean mutal attraction is a must. I was talking to someone the other day and they were saying how they had sexy with this chick and they couldnt get into it. There were no odvious reasons like odor or inexperience. They just really hated the sex. I told them it was b/c there was no attraction. I mean yes, u can have sex with someone u r not attracted to, but the orgasim is not the same. I know this from experience. They could be doing eveything right, but you are just not feeling the person. I personally dont want anyone that does not think I am the most beautiful person in the world and vice versa. ******I'm begining to think I push ppl away. I dont know if I just feel like the relationship is going to result in bs and end it to save myself the trouble or if Iam so afraid of letting anyone in I just push everyone away. I want to be in a happy committed realtionship. I HATE BEING SINGLE. I also refuse to settle for b/s when I know I can do better. I feel like I am the only person in the world who has not had an long term relationship. I guess things happen when were ready. ~smooches~
All About the Life On Me A Sexy Fat Chick In A Skinny Bitch World. Enjoy
Just poppin in!
Love the lay out!
Anyway to the blog . . .
It's possible to not have a type. I don't have a type. Different things about people attract me, and the attraction for me never starts out physically. I don't know, maybe I'm just weird like that. But that's how I function. The more I get to know someone the more attracted or distracted I get.
So far I've loved all of the posts. I won't even tell how much I'v learned thus far.
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