this blog use to be my life. I would blog faithfully, but life has changed and things are super busy. Although, things have changed I think it is important to get back to what you are use to. I have so much shit to say and not enough intelligent people to listen to it. So, why not share my enlightment with the world lol.
All About the Life On Me A Sexy Fat Chick In A Skinny Bitch World. Enjoy
I started a new blog and started writing on it, but there is really no place like home. I thought this blog had too much history, but is really just has all my growth. This blog shows me going from a unsettled woman in search of her sexuality. In search of acceptance, to who I am now. I am secure in how I am and what I am. I am learning that others opinions of me don't matter. The only thing that matters I that I am happy with my life and I can look back with no regrets. I am older but I still feel young, like I have so much to learn and that excites me and disappoints me. I feel like I've been through so much already, what could be next. I know without a doubt my path will be great and I will achieve all I ever time.
So, lets recap the growth. I am a lesbian, I have gained my independence, I am walking the path to my success, I am motivated and ready for greatness. I am single and hating it, I finally came out to my mother, one of the hardest things I have ever done. I have loved a few women and at the end I wondered why, but I am finally starting to see the lesson. I am learning that everything isn't meant to be compromised.
I just turned 26 and my life was consumed with school and work and my small social life. Now I am on summer break, laid off, and wonder what they hell am I suppose to do with myself. I am bored beyond belief. There are no distractions. I truly have me time and it scares the shit out of me. I feel all the emotions I don't have time to feel when my life is in full force. I feel lonely, bored, depressed, happy, excited, and insane all at the same time.
I have to figure out how to be happy alone with no distractions. I finally have to do some soul searching in myself and I don't want to. Or maybe I simply don't know how to start. All of this has happened for a reason I believe is for me to figure out some shit.
Follow me on my journey...