Hello Fellow Bloggers. SFC checking in and asking a great question. Why is ERRBODY throwin Shade on my shine. It seems like at every turn someone has something negative to say to me. It can be about me personally, how I live, or what I do. Its really getting on my nerves and I find myself poppin off on people. Then they wanna call me a BITCH, when if you would stop dippin in my kool-aid in the first place I wouldn't have had to handle you like that. Its so odd b/c I am not use to or shall I say until now I didn't believe ppl hated one me. I mean back in the day when I wasn't as sure of myself I just thought people were mean, but now I realize it was HATIN. Like now I'm doing my thing, in a new tax bracket and showing it. I am also looking SCRUMDIDDLYUPTIOUS and people don't like it. I personally don't hate on people. Friend most importantly and I feel that JEALOUS rearing its head. It was really getting to me at first and I realized something. People have been doing it for years and it will contiune,so people just don't wanna see you do good and shine. They want you down in the trenches with them struggling. Well FUCK DAT PAY ME. I am so grateful for everything that has been happenin in my life and I am truly blessed. As long as I know what's up the rest doesn't matter.
So like a week ago I called the EEOC to tell them about the issues at my office and to see if I actually have a case. They told me I did and the process of filing a formal charge. I know its the right thing to do, but all I can think of is this job is my livelihood and I don't want to lose it until I am ready. Unfortunately things at my office are only getting worse and now my top boss is trying to get me fired. He critique everything I do and is now even blaming things on me that I am not responsible for, while CC; the owner of this business on ever email. He is on a mission and I am her to make sure he fails. The way I am treated for the quality of work I do is ridiculous. When your customers are telling me how much better the company is doing since I came on board perhaps your attitude should be different toward me. I am sover the crying everyday,now I'm just pissed that I allow it and so do the owners and no one cares. Today I've decided to roll the dice and see what happens. It really sucks to be so happy in your personal life a miserable 9 hours while your at work. Then I bring it home and think about why a person would do the things he does. I can't live like this. I want to leave work where it is and not take it home with me. I don't really see any other options. Maybe this will make them take it seriously.
OMG on a lighter note. 2 of my friends were walking me home from there apt (we live in the same apartments different complex). One of the wanted to stop at another friends apt in the complex to see his new puppy. So we go and are there about 5-10 min and decided to leave, when we hear the neighbors downstairs bammin on the ceiling. We are like WTF b/c we really weren't making any noise. So we go down the stairs on one of my friend is really pissed off about it. So I felt like I was 12 again. He's like I'm going to knock on his door and run. I'm like nooooooooooooo. Its like 11:30 on a weekday. So he does it anyway. So what do I do. This 23 y/o adult lol. I run like hell. I didn't know who lived there and I was not trying to be shot. People are crazy these days and will shoot you for less. It had rained that day and I had on fil flops but I sprinted across the grass to my apartment. I met up with them on the other side and they like why you run. WTF yall not getting me shot. Anyway the dude from apartment he knocked on came out talkin shhh. I felt like a little kid I promise. I had to laugh at myself b/c I took off running.
ATL was really nice. I got to see Monica in concert and take some pics with Samore. Also saw tons of reality TV stars. But Lennox Mall is BOO BOO. Sorry all the ATL folks but they but a big hype on ATL and its not that crunk. I mean don't get me wrong the club scene is better than Houston but if Lennox is your best mall, I'll stick with H-town. Then as I was walking through there I saw a group of chick heads doing the "CHICKEN NOODLE SOUP"dance in the mall while video taping. I couldn't help myself I laughed really loud and was like are you serious. I detest that song. It makes no sense what's so ever. The weather was excellent tho and downtown is really nice. That Underground mall is kinda scary tho. I would definitely go back. ATL reminds me of Houston with a little twist of excitement.
That's all got for now. ~Smooches~ And I'm not proofreading this either.