7:06 AM


I guess I forgot blogger still existed. Its been awhile. Every time I think about how I should write I don't really want to. I've been working on a book. Well working on how to write the book first, then I'll start. I never knew how any Ideas I have floating in this head. I'm so nervous today, b/c I FINALLY get my big raise. We settled on an amount, but that amount is looking kind of wack right now. So I sent the owner of the letter asking for a few more $$$. He is suppose to be in town today to discuss it. Conveniently on Friday I had a break down in the office. When I get pissed off, I cry. Not a few tears, a lot and almost to the point of hyperventilating, if its really crucial. As everyone knows I hate my boss. This is really said b/c I don't even hate all those fuckers that use to make fun of me or made my High School Years Horrible. I hate this man though. Its such a strong word but if you met him you would know why. Anyway, I had this breakdown b/c this fucka has a habit of making his fuck ups look like his staffs. Its like whenever someone has something bad to say about this company he tells them that his assistant is new and I'm just the receptionist. Well at least that’s what he told this dude. He doesn't seem to comprehend tat if his staff looks stupid, NEWSFLASH the whole company looks stupid, all at the expense of his ego and what every intelligents he thinks he has. So pretty much I need to be compensated and I'm tired of the owners not knowing about how he runs his office. The shit is not organized and the customers run this company. We have not authority over our assigned duties hb/c if they don't like our answer, they go to him and he send out email with these customers CC on it tell us to do whatever they say pretty much. Being the intelligent, black women I am, I cannot stand for someone insinuating otherwise, and of all people his dumb ass. Oh no. So now I'm on that pay me of FUCK you tip. I either get what I ask for or I start looking else where. I know that I cannot continue to work for an idiot or under the circumstances. And its only going to get worse b/c at today's meeting I'm going to make sure its known why I need a increase and it solely based on his stupidity. It really sucks b/c the owners are really nice and have a very profitable compant that could be so much better with the right people.
On another note, I had a GREATTTTTTTTTTTTTTT time this weekend. I went out with a few friends. I think I've talked about them before, but most of my closest friends are gay. We've been friends since High school. I've been around the gay world for a while, but it never ceases to surprise me. Going to a gay club is lie entering a whole new world. Not b/c there you see people of the same sex dancing and kissing and such, but b/c the vibe is different. Yes things still sometimes still pop off in a gay club but usually people are there to have a good time. I mean if you are the most prosecuted ppl in the world the last thing you want to do is come to a club meant for you to be accepted and start a lot of shit. The vibe is mellow and gay (happy lol). Anyway I went with some new people, so it was a new experience. My new friend BEBE who is a dude I met through one of my friends boyfriend, seems to be one of the well known in the Houston gay community, so walking through a club with im is like walking down the gay red carpet at the Gay Grammy's. Its so funny b/c he is such a performer, which you also see a lot a gay club, but he had me cracking up all night. He doesn't walk through the club he does what I call a glide/dance. Its like he's walking through his video and he has to dance and seem like he's mingling lol. It was an experience. Here it seem the Gay night out last wayyyyyyy longer that the str8 ones. I didn't get home until 6, everyone that knows me knows once it gets too hot, I am ready to go ASAP.

In other news, I was discussing this whole gay thing with some people. I think that if you are attracted to men and women them you are bi. Even prefer the same sex, there is still an attraction to the other as well. Well, another person there saw
it differently. He thinks that people who are bi are that way b/c they are not ready to come out and be gay yet. Meaning it is a happy medium for them. They don't have to deal with all the shit that comes along with being fully gay and if ever questioned they can always bring up the opposite sex they also like. This is a great point. I never thought of it this way and subconsciously this could be true.
Last, but not least. I, ME, The SFC, met someone in the club. Now my policy is, you will neva eva eva meet someone in the club that is going to be more than a booty call. Now whats really fucked up is that I've never really tried to have anything with someone I met in the club. I don't even approach people. I'm on the whole tip that if you like what you see you will come over. Well, while in the club this weekend something caught my eye. From the first look I was like damn. I purposely stood by this person just to see if they would approach. No haps, but they did offer there seat to me in a nice cool spot. The club I was at was like visiting hell in most parts so if you could find a cool spot with a chair you have found a quality spot. I declined the offer and ended up walking off following friends. The rest of the night I would pass by and sneak glances, or I would catch this person doing the same. I am super shy so, I was not about to make a move (I know how old am I like 15, but that just me). So the club is closing and we are walking out and I obviously rolled my eyes at this person. I didn't know I did it, I guess I was annoyed that they hadn't tried to get my number. So the person ask me why you rolling your eyes at me. Oh course I immediately go into flirt mode and tell them I dunno what they are talking about. Then for the first time in history (at least that I can remember) I say you should call me sometime. Then the regular, oh well let me get your number thing happens. Its so funny b/c after the club closed, everyone is in the parking lot for like an hour or more, so I end up seeing them out there. The person tells me that they were watching me all night, but they are shy as well. So, if I wouldn't have taken this chance all that sexiness would have been lost to another. Thank the LAWD. B/C SFC is about to get her groove back LMAO. That’s all got. I'm going to add a few pics. ~Smooches~